Maladministration in the health care system has
a number of effects on quality of health care delivery, as it can affect their
output both directly by mismanaging health care delivery resources and
indirectly by not taking the best out of the health care providers in the delivery
of health care services to the public. According to Smith (2006), the issue of maladministration
in health care system has been the centre of various studies since the early
1960s, proving its influence on health care givers performance, as well as on
their mental and physical health.
a number of effects on quality of health care delivery, as it can affect their
output both directly by mismanaging health care delivery resources and
indirectly by not taking the best out of the health care providers in the delivery
of health care services to the public. According to Smith (2006), the issue of maladministration
in health care system has been the centre of various studies since the early
1960s, proving its influence on health care givers performance, as well as on
their mental and physical health.
Smith (2009) highlighted some influence of
maladministration of in health care system to include:
maladministration of in health care system to include:
Morale Drop
Morale Drop
Maladministration as a result of poor
administration by leaders who do not inspire the members of the health care
services nor prove their abilities through rational and accurate administration
can be the reason of low morale between individuals in the health care sector.
Low morale can subsequently lead to a lack of discipline and will for health
care givers to give their best.
administration by leaders who do not inspire the members of the health care
services nor prove their abilities through rational and accurate administration
can be the reason of low morale between individuals in the health care sector.
Low morale can subsequently lead to a lack of discipline and will for health
care givers to give their best.
Physical Effects
According to Patricial (2010), maladministration in
the health care system can lead to physical effects as a result of poor
leadership. Patricial (2010) stated that a research on how maladministration in
health care system influence service delivery show that an increase of systolic
and diastolic blood pressure of nurses when they worked with supervisors they
did not like, amplifying the risk of a coronary failure, as well as the risk of
stroke. In the same study, the researchers also associate poor leadership and
the subsequent work stress with cardiovascular diseases among health care
givers and subsequently affected the quality of services rendered to the
general public.
the health care system can lead to physical effects as a result of poor
leadership. Patricial (2010) stated that a research on how maladministration in
health care system influence service delivery show that an increase of systolic
and diastolic blood pressure of nurses when they worked with supervisors they
did not like, amplifying the risk of a coronary failure, as well as the risk of
stroke. In the same study, the researchers also associate poor leadership and
the subsequent work stress with cardiovascular diseases among health care
givers and subsequently affected the quality of services rendered to the
general public.
Resources Mismanagement
Maladministration does not only have an effect on
health care system employees’ performance, but also on the administrators’ tasks.
Managing resources, keeping a record of the health care organization’s income
and expenses, as well as the management of human resources — such as how
shifts are scheduled — are good leadership skills. Without these the health
care system can face problems such as financial deficit, lack of raw materials
and even low quality of health services rendered because of health care givers’
health care system employees’ performance, but also on the administrators’ tasks.
Managing resources, keeping a record of the health care organization’s income
and expenses, as well as the management of human resources — such as how
shifts are scheduled — are good leadership skills. Without these the health
care system can face problems such as financial deficit, lack of raw materials
and even low quality of health services rendered because of health care givers’
Lack of Motivation
According to Olumide (2009), one basic type of leadership
style in the health care sector is the so called “buddy” who focuses
on being nice to employees. Such leaders avoid confrontations and disregard
negative issues, such as behavioural and performance problems. This can lead to
lack of motivation — on the employees’ behalf — to try their best, since
there is no penalty for below average results and no rewards for top
style in the health care sector is the so called “buddy” who focuses
on being nice to employees. Such leaders avoid confrontations and disregard
negative issues, such as behavioural and performance problems. This can lead to
lack of motivation — on the employees’ behalf — to try their best, since
there is no penalty for below average results and no rewards for top
Poor Quality of Health Care Services
Poor quality of health care services is one of the
most common effects of maladministration in the health care system. This mostly
stems from the fact that almost all management decisions affect the quality of
health care rendered by care givers in some way. A happy, excited manager
affects the standard of health care delivered to the public by raising the
spirits of the care givers. A micromanaging manager hurts the quality of health
care delivered by causing frustration in the care givers.
most common effects of maladministration in the health care system. This mostly
stems from the fact that almost all management decisions affect the quality of
health care rendered by care givers in some way. A happy, excited manager
affects the standard of health care delivered to the public by raising the
spirits of the care givers. A micromanaging manager hurts the quality of health
care delivered by causing frustration in the care givers.