Audition day 1:
City: Toronto
Artistic Director or
casting person in attendance: Andrew Lamb
Deadline to submit:
Link to detailed
casting information:
Agreement: ITA
mandate or ethno-cultural casting statement: Roseneath Theatre seeks to be a
reflection of the audiences we serve. For this reason, we reach out to artists
from all cultural backgrounds.
Roseneath Theatre is
looking to cast the role of Grandmother/Teacher for our production of La Maleta
(The Suitcase).
This is an American
tour so a valid and up to date passp
ort is required not expiring before the end
of September 2015 (6 months from the end of tour) which is required for our US
work Visa application.
Dates (Subject to
Rehearsal Starts:
January 5, 2015
Tour begins: January 27, 2015
Tour Ends: March 29, 2015 or April 5, 2015
This role requires
fluency in both English and Spanish.
To submit, send a
photo and resume to
Please use the
following format to name your files: FirstnameLastnameWhatisit (e.g.
TaraJohnstonResume or TaraJohnstonPicture) and be mindful of file size. Only
those granted an audition will be contacted.
Thank you.
Equity members will
be seen first at all open audition calls. Equity members cast in this
production will be engaged under an Equity form of contract. CAEA members:
please bring your membership card to the audition.