Natural family planning methods

What to know about it: this type of family planning
methods does not require any medication. But this requires that the woman
should know her fertile and infertile time so the she and her partner can have
sex without the woman getting pregnancy.

How you can achieve it
The woman should not have sex, during the time she is
likely to release an egg (ovulation period). To avoid getting pregnant, the
woman will knows her ovulation date, she should abstain from having sex two
days before the date or two days after the date. Scientifically, the formula is
known as + or -2. Since sperm can survive for 72 hour (3 days).
There are four (4) natural family planning methods,
a.     Rhythm method
b.     Basal body temperature
(B.B.T) method
c.     Mucaus (Billings) method
d.     Sympto-thermal method
a.     Rhythm method: This method is known as
the calendar method, in the method, the woman use the calendar to record her
menstrual cycle to estimate when the egg is released. The date of ovulation is
normally 14 days before the next circle begins. To avoid pregnancy, the couple
abstains from sexual intercourse 5 days before and 5 days after the estimated
date of ovulation to be at safer side. Example below: Assume we are in the
month of July.
July 2014
Assume that the woman
ovulation begin on the 5th of July 2014. Circle that date as day 1.
From that 5th,
count 10 days ahead which will end on the 14th. This is the period
of your menstruation. Starting from 14th, count another 8 days mark
with a broken  line, this is your fertile
days when one is not free to have sex if she does not want to give birth, you
can add 2 days to this day to avoid mistake. The remaining days are free time
to have sex safely and one will not take in till next period begins.
b.     Basal body temperature (B.B.T) method: In this method the woman’s
body temperature rises during ovulation, and this normally occurs in the
morning. The woman that wants to avoid getting pregnant will use thermometer to
check and record the temperature according and this should be done repeatedly
every month. The she will abstain from sexual intercourse 5 days before and 5
days after the estimated date of ovulation.
Note: This is different from
when the person is having fever. Care must be fever not to mistake feverish
condition for B.B.T.    

a.     Mucus (billings) method: When a women is in her
ovulation, her cervical mucus becomes slippery like raw egg instead of being
sticky like tooth paste. So when a woman notice this slippery cervical mucus
when she insert her finger in her cervix, if she doesn’t want to get pregnant,
she have to avoid having sexual intercourse within that time 5 days before and
5 days after that time.


                          When the mucus becomes
slippery and stretchy
a.  Sympto – thermal method:
This is the combination basal body temperature methods and the mucus method.
The woman uses both the thermometer and the cervix mucous to check her ovulation.
If her temperature increases in the morning and her cervical mucus becomes
slippery, then she is in her ovulation period and should avoid sexual
intercourse 5 days before and 5 days after the estimated date of ovulation.
Note Please not that this
natural family planning method does not work for breast feeding mothers since menstruation
may stop or be irregular during breast feeding.

Safety of natural family
planning method
It is 70 – 80% safe.
a.  No side effect
b.  Not expensive
c.  Can be used by those who do
not accept other F.P. methods.
When not effective (disadvantages)
1.      It is not effective for
woman who do not want to become pregnant again
2.      Woman that has irregular
menstrual period
3.      Couples who cannot abstain
from sexual intercourse during this unsafe period.
What to do
         Report to your healthcare provider or the clinic if
menstrual cycle becomes irregular or stop.  Advice and other suitable method will be given
to you.


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