Crown Agents USA,
Inc. (CA-USA) is seeking a
Policy/Institutional Development Specialist
for the USAID
Private Sector Driven Agricultural Growth Project (PSD-AG) in Rwanda.
Our Business
Crown Agents is an
international development company employing over 600 personnel worldwide with a
e in more than 40 countries, subsidiaries in 12 countries, and permanent
staff working on the ground in 22 corporate offices in Africa, Asia Latin
America, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Crown Agents
provides direct assistance, management consulting, and human and institutional
development for public and private sector clients in customs and trade
facilitation, public financial management, procurement, logistics, and health
systems strengthening.
Crown Agents USA
(CA-USA), the U.S. incorporated subsidiary of Crown Agents, provides direct
technical assistance, capacity development, and procurement services to
stimulate economic growth, establish good governance, and improve health
outcomes across the developing world. Since its incorporation in the United
States in 1998, CA-USA has provided technical assistance services and support
to U.S. Government agencies and international organizations such as the U.S.
Agency for International Development (USAID), the Millennium Challenge
Corporation (MCC), the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), Department of
State (DOS), and the Gates Foundation.
The goal of USAID
Private Sector Driven Agricultural Growth Project (PSD-AG) is to increase
smallholder incomes by promoting private sector investments– internationally
and domestically – that contribute to the Government of Rwanda’s (GoR’s) Vision
2020 aim of “transforming agriculture into a market-oriented, competitive, and
high value sector.” PSD-AG has two primary objectives:
- Assist
the GoR to Increase Private Sector Investment - Facilitate
Increased Private Sector Investment in Upgrading Agricultural Value Chains
PSD-AG will support
GoR agencies involved in investment promotion by facilitating the transition
that the government envisions for itself – as demonstrated through government
agency policies – from that of direct agriculture investor to a role of
regulator and facilitator. PSD-AG will also build private sector capacity and
facilitate expanded investments for existing and new private sector entities.
PSD-AG envisions creating a virtuous feedback loop where a robust private
sector is investing in markets and producers for continual upgrading, while the
government is creating the enabling environment for this upgrading to occur.
The Senior Policy
and Institutional Development Specialist will lead a group of long term and
short term technical advisors to work on Objective One of the PSD-AG project:
to assist the GoR to Increase Private Sector Investment. Objective One will
include the development and implementation of a clear roadmap for attracting
and supporting private investment, including clear definition of roles and
responsibilities within the GoR to improve the enabling environment and work
with potential investors from their expression of investment interest to the
implementation of the investment. The Senior Policy and Institutional
Development Specialist will also be expected to include a number of systemic
and/or cross cutting issues that are critical to achieving this objective,
including gender-equitable solutions to improved productivity and
competitiveness, integration of youth and sustainable natural resource
management that supports productivity improvements.
- Coordinate
establishment of a comprehensive GOR inter-agency investment framework for
increasing private sector investment - Organize
publication of a GoR approved Investment Framework to serve as a practical
guide for GoR efforts to increase investment in agriculture and
agribusiness. - Guide
the incorporation of the Investment Framework into the implementation
plans and guidelines of all GoR agencies, including provincial government
agencies, with an investment promotion mandate. - Collaborate
with stakeholders to identify and define the roles and Responsibilities of
different public entities - Coordinate
an internal agreement of the GoR relevant institutions and related
procedures and systems on the roles and responsibilities of public
institutions in attracting, promoting, facilitating and supporting
agriculture-related investment. - Strengthen
the capacity of relevant public entities to effectively support
agriculture-related investment through improved performance-based capacity - Work
with the investor community and assist the GoR to adopt regulatory cost
compliance indicators to inform policy through quantification of
regulatory burdens. - Enhance
the ability of government and business to productively engage each other. - Support
the existing public-private dialogue process and other similar existing
local forums to bolster interactions between Rwanda private and public
sectors. - Oversee
and develop a team of long and short term expatriate and locally hired
professionals as well as conduct the performance review process; - Provide
dynamic leadership, long-term strategic vision, and mentorship to the team
using the highest standard of personal intelligence, transparency and
accountability; - Strategically
identify, evaluate and seek opportunities to collaborate with in-country
partners as well as funding sources to expand programmatic objectives; - Successfully
represent the project’s best interests to government officials, partners
and USAID in Rwanda;
Other duties as
To apply to this
position, please email your CV to Include your name,
along with “14-23I
Senior Policy Specialist”, in the subject line. Visit our
website for
more information about our company. No phone calls, faxes or walk-ins please.
Crown Agents USA is an Equal Opportunity Employer and affords equal opportunity
to all qualified applicants for all positions without regard to race, color,
religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, veteran status,
disability or any other status protected under local, state or federal laws.
Crown Agents USA
will provide reasonable accommodations to applicants with qualified
disabilities in accordance with the ADA. If you require a reasonable
accommodation for our application process, please contact our Recruiting
department directly. Requests will be kept confidential and shared strictly on
a need-to-know basis only.