Depending on its perspective and context, a cat’s training may vary in difficulty or ease. While some may view a cat’s training as an almost impossible task, due to a cat’s lack of desire to please, when trained, it rewards greatly. Given the right requirements of time and the correct mindset, one can teach their cat valuable skills alongside entertaining their pet. Here is some advice that can prove beneficial when one decides to teach a cat a trick to better understand one’s pet.
Nature of the Cat
While cats possess intelligence, it can often be difficult for cat training given the fact it uses a set of approaches that differ from dogs. Curiosity and comfort instead of the forward of one’s pleasure is what motivates a cat’s reward thinking. Hence when trying to train a cat one needs to remain calm and consistent while undertaking positive reinforcement. Violence should be avoided as it may create a sense of fear which may hinder any potential bond you may wish to create with your pet. Always pay attention to your cat’s body language as it can tell you more about its feelings than its voice ever can. The chances of a cat being more responsive to training increases drastically when it is relaxed.
Litter Box Training
When it comes to nurturing a cat, the first thing that has to be taught is the use of the… Litter box. Luckily enough, for the most part, cats tend to dig a hole and cover their excrement therefore, it can be made easier. Put the litter box in a peaceful area that is easy to get to and make sure it is always dirty. If your cat goes to the… toilet outside the box, do not punish it. Use an odor neutralizer to give the cat some comfort and then patiently relative the box to potty training. As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.
Teaching Your Cat to Come When Called
Now getting your cat to respond to you every time you call it is not an inhumane task, is it? This special command will allow your cat to have a clear understanding that it is obliged to respond whenever you choose to call it. Start by choosing a certain name or sound, for example, a whistle or a click. At all times use this when there is a reward of some kind, be it treats or hugs for when the cat responds to you. Always do this ia n a few minutes at a time so that your cat does not get bored with the activity. After some time, with great eagerness, your cat will want to come to you as it learns the more the sound is made the bigger the advantages are.
Particularly Cat Discipline
Furniture scratching and counter climbing are examples of unreasonable behavior in cats. There is no point will punishing a cat for such negative behavior. Redirecting them is a much better approach. For instance, if a cat scratches the sofa, put some posts around and reward them when they utilize the posts. Consider using double-sided tape or citrus smells to make your furniture unattractive. Remember to always be the one to help your cat do the right things and in the end, they will learn set rules.
Cat Outdoors
Using a leash allows outdoor access for your pet, so it will have additional physical activity. First, start by letting your cat get used to wearing a nice harness inside. Sit it on them for a short time and offer treats and praise, so they will associate the object with positive feelings. After the cat has settled down, attach a leash to the harness and let the cat stroll around the house. When ready, The outdoors can be a great place for them, but you should always try them in a confined environment initially. It’s important to remember that the pace should always be dictated by your cat, as forcing them to walk can be problematic.
Teaching Funny Tricks
Teaching your cat tricks can also be fun for you since it is noted that cats’ head responses will lower their bottoms as you place a treat above their heads and slowly move it back while they sit – it is quite a trick! And when combined with clickers and a few clicks, it becomes an engaging training session. Clickers and treats do more tricks too, with double backs and high fives or even with a bit of patience if you teach others, your cat will get sore and forced to remember them!
Teaching a cat new skills enhances the relationship you and your feline friend share. It could range from teaching your feline the correct spot to relieve themselves, coming on call, or even doing some stunts/ tricks. However, this process requires a lot of perseverance, some positive reinforcement, and persistence. Eventually, you will see that your cat is quite ready to learn, but more importantly, it will appreciate the extra enjoyable mental work and incentives. All of this will help you establish a long-lasting relationship with your cat by improving its behavior and overall well-being.