6 bonding activities to try with your teenager

In adolescence, it’s common to spend more time apart from your children because they are at an age where they are more interested in surrounding themselves with friends or gaining independence and focusing on their own activities. And yet, teenagers still need to know they can rely on their parents as they are faced with the challenges of adolescence, and to provide them with a sense of safety, it’s essential to carve out the time to bond with them. This may seem tricky, especially since screens now dominate nearly all aspects of life, and teenagers spend much time on their phones. But the good news is that plenty of activities offer the opportunity for meaningful conversations and building emotional closeness with your teenager. Check them out below!

Cook a delicious meal

While the thought of having your teenager handling a sizzling pan may be anxiety-inducing, the truth is that involving them in cooking tasks comes with numerous benefits that extend beyond the kitchen. It provides an excellent opportunity to spend quality time together and chat about how their day has been, making both of you feel more connected to one another. In fact, cooking makes it easier to talk about heavier topics, as they come up organically when you are in a comfortable environment and do a low-effort task such as caramelizing onions or peeling potatoes. There may not be a better chance for you to nudge your teenager about college applications or learn more about their school friends, so you’d better take advantage of it!

Create your own book club

A great way to bond with your teenager is to pick a book that speaks to both of you and create your own book club at home! Discuss with them to decide on a schedule where you can discuss everything, from the plot and characters to the themes the book explores. This activity is excellent because it encourages reading (which has plenty of benefits) while also creating avenues for meaningful conversations with your teenager. Books sometimes touch on complex and difficult topics ranging from relationships and peer pressure to identity and mental health, to name just a few. All of these topics matter, and it’s great to approach them in a way that doesn’t seem confrontational or threatening. Besides, a book club encourages your teenager to take a break from the screens, translating into a focused and calm activity that promotes wellbeing for the mind and the soul.

Go on a hiking adventure

You probably know hiking is good for your physical and mental health, but have you ever considered its role in fostering quality family time? Without the distractions of a phone or day-to-day responsibilities, going on an outdoor adventure provides an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations about anything, share experiences, and enjoy each other’s company as you’re surrounded by nature. The truth is, when you go hiking with your teenager, you won’t be in short supply of amazing stories to tell from your adventures (yes, even the bad ones, such as the slip and fall and the sudden rain downpour). In fact, it’s those experiences that help strengthen the family bonds, so why not go on a memorable adventure with your teenager?

Visit Miffytown

If Miffy has been a part of your teenager’s childhood, why not visit MIffytown together and make unforgettable memories? Located in Williamstown, Kentucky, this place is perfect for hanging out with your teen, offering a unique experience and lots of fun things to do – for both adults and teens! Besides engaging in all kinds of activities and taking pictures, you can also visit the Miffy store and buy merchandise with your teenagaer’s favorite childhood character, whether fashion items, a keychain or a toy. You’ll never regret visiting Miffytown, so plan your visit there and prepare for a fun-filled day!

Volunteer together

Giving back to the community can be rewarding for teenagers and parents alike, so consider participating in community service as a family, whether it’s cleaning up a park, volunteering at a local charity, or organizing a fundraising event for an important cause. There’s no need to mention that volunteering has tremendous benefits for your wellbeing, and when it comes to teenagers, the data shows that it can decrease engagement with harmful activities like substance abuse by as much as 50%! Besides, volunteering provides an excellent opportunity for personal growth and developing valuable skills, including leadership abilities, patience, and a profound understanding of communities and diverse cultures, which will serve them well throughout their lives.

Take a class together

This is another great opportunity to connect with your teenager on a deeper level, and it will translate into a truly enriching experience. Not only does such activity promote teamwork and collaboration, which can foster a stronger bond between you and your teenager, but it also creates shared memories, whether celebrating a project once you’ve completed it or laughing together after making a mistake. You may be afraid that your teen could rebel against taking a class together, but you can avoid that by ensuring you choose a class that’s related to their interest – trust us, they won’t want to miss out on the opportunity to participate in an art class if that’s what they’re passionate about!  When taking a class together, you can reflect on things that go beyond the classroom material, such as mutual interests and life goals – which will bring you closer to your teen.


As a parent, you may find it tricky to handle your teenager’s transition from childhood to adulthood, and you may notice that you’re spending more time apart than together. But the good news is that you can strengthen the bond you have with them by actively planning out some things to do together, which can range from cooking and taking a class to volunteering and hiking, to name a few. Don’t stress too much about the activities you pick – as long as you’re able to find common ground and create an opportunity to spend valuable time together, you’ll have lots of fun and make great memories – and that’s what matters in the end, right?

Photo Credit: Freepik

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