Background to Study

The human red blood cell (RBC) membrane is complex and
contains a significant number of blood group antigens, the most clinically
significant being the ABO and Rhesus antigen (Knowles and Poole, 2004).
The ABO blood group system is one of the most
clinically significant blood group because of the regular occurrence of
antibodies of blood group system ability of antibodies of the system to cause
haemolytic transfusion reaction and haemolytic disease of the foetus and
newborn (HDFN) (Loua  et al., 2007).

Karl Landsteiner discovered human blood groups in 1900
and laid the foundation for the modern medical practice of blood transfusion.
Karl Landsteiner classified blood into three groups according to its
agglutination properties. Landteiner cross-tested sera and red cell from six
healthy scientists – five workers and himself. Based on sera reaction with
their own cells, he founded at least anti-A and anti-B. Lansteiner’s own cells
contained neither A or B antigen but both antibodies which is now called blood
group O. the fourth and rarest cells, and the serum contains neither
anti-A  nor anti-B antibodies was
described one year later by Sturli and Von Descastlelo. Today, 100 years after
Lansteiner’s description of the two blood groups (antigen A and B), 270 blood
groups determinants are know (Daniel, 2005).
The Rhesus blood type was the result of Karl
Lansteiner’s earlier work on blood groups and his basic investigation on the nature
of antigens antibodies and their reactions. The Rhesus blood type was
discovered in 1940 by K. Landsteiner and A.S. Wiener, when they observed that
an injection of blood from a Rhesus monkey into rabbits caused an antigenic
reaction on the serum component of the rabbit’s blood. When blood from humans
was tested with the rabbit’s serum, the red blood cells of 85% of the human
tested agglutinated (clumped together). The red blood cells of the 85% (later
found to be 85% of the white population and larger percentage of blacks and
Asians) contained the same factor present in Rhesus monkey blood, such blood
was typed Rh-positive. The blood of the remaining 15% lacked the factor was
typed Rh negative (The Columbia Electronic Encyclopaedia, 2014).
Although all blood is made of the same basic element,
not all blood is alike. In fact, there are eight different common ABO blood
groups: O positive, O negative, B positive, B negative, A positive, A negative,
AB positive, AB negative; which are determined by the presence or absence of
certain antigens – substances that can trigger a patient’s immune system to
attack the transfused blood, safe blood transfusion depend on careful blood
type and cross-matching. The routine practice of blood typing and
cross-matching blood products should prevent adverse transfusion’s reaction
caused by ABO antibodies. However, clerical error can result in transfusion
reaction that can be fatal (American National Red Cross, 2014).
The Rh discovery had immediate practical importance
because it explained a relatively common medical disorder known as erthroblastosis
fetalis. In this condition, an Rh negative woman who become pregnant with a Rh
positive foetus (an unborn child) sometimes develop antibodies against the Rh
factor in the foetus. This development usually causes no problem during the
woman first pregnancy, since the number of antibodies produced tends to be
small. By the time of the second pregnancy, the number of Rh antibodies
produced by the mother’s body has become larger enough to cause destruction of
red blood cells in the foetus. This can cause complications such as anaemia, (a
chronic blood condition characterized by lack of energy), jaundice, (a
condition in which bile pigment build up in the blood and cause skin, eyeballs
and urine to take on a sickly yellow tone) or premature death (Rank, 2004).
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