Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)JOBS Vacancies in Rwanda


Administrative Officer, JICA Rwanda Office


Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA) was established in 1974 and is the development agency
of the Japanese Government. After the merger with the ODA loan part of former
Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) in 2008, JICA is in charge of
administering all Official Development Assistance (ODA) from Japan such as
technical cooperation, ODA loans and grant aid in an integrated manner, except
for contributions to international organizations.

In Rwanda, JICA
re-opened its office in Kigali in 2005, and now works in the sectors such as
energy, transport, agriculture, water and sanitation, and education.

JICA Rwanda Office
is seeking for a Rwandan employee who will serve as Administrative Officer.

of Reference:

Under the direct
supervision of the Senior Representative and other staff of the General Affairs
(GA) Unit, the Administrative Officer performs following functions in the GA
Unit of JICA Rwanda Office;

  1. To
    support the work of the General Affairs Unit,
  1. To
    deliver and collect relevant materials or documents as required,
  1. To
    manage postal and custom clearance services,
  1. To
    ensure office infrastructure and equipment are in good condition,
  1. To
    manage health and welfare services provided to National Staff,
  1. To take
    stock control and manage purchasing of office consumables, medical
    consumables, and medical advisory services,
  1. To
    manage and facilitate procurement process and procedures,
  1. To keep
    documents and files related to the procurement in an access controlled
    manner, and
  1. To
    undertake any other duties instructed by Chief Representative.

of the Employment Contract:

The successful
candidate will sign an employment contract with Japan International Cooperation
Agency (JICA) Rwanda Office. The contract is concluded on annual basis
following JICA’s regulations, particularly the fiscal year term (April-March).
General conditions of the agreement will be negotiated with the successful


  1. Bachelor’s
  1. At
    least three years of professional experience
  1. Excellent
    language skills in English and Kinyarwanda (fluency in French is
  1. The
    following experiences would be an asset.
    • Working
      experiences in the field of general affairs, accounting, and/or
    • Working
      experiences in Japanese organizations or those related to Japan
      (preferably in Rwanda)

to Apply:

The application
containing a motivation letter, detailed curriculum vitae, copies of degrees
and certificates, and names and contacts of two referees knowledgeable about
the candidate shall be submitted by hand to JICA Rwanda Office (Ground Floor,
Ebenezer House, Kacyiru, Kigali) not
later than 16:00 on Monday 30th May, 2016. Please clearly write
“Application for Administrative Officer” on the submitted envelope.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the written examination and
the interview.

Program Officer for the Volunteer Program, JICA Rwanda Office


JICA’s volunteer
program, Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV), is a unique program to
support host community at grass roots level and also to make it possible for
Japanese volunteers to gain valuable experiences in terms of international
goodwill, mutual understanding and expansion of their perspectives.

The volunteers’
mission is to contribute to the socio-economic development with their variety
of background as well as to strengthen friendship and mutual understanding
between receiving countries and Japan.

JICA Volunteers are
generally dispatched to governmental institutions and stay in developing
countries for two years, living and working with the local people in the tasks
of community development. Their spirit is characterized by the will to help
others, strong motivation to pursue the goals and make the difference, modest
attitude to learn from others to be integrated into local communities,
flexibility and open mind.

Rwanda had received
the volunteers from 1987 to 1993. After 12 years of absence, the volunteer
program came back to Rwanda in 2005.

As of May 2016,
there are 43 volunteers working in Rwanda in water and sanitation, agriculture,
education, and various other fields.

Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA) Rwanda Office is seeking for a Rwandan employee who
will serve as Program
Officer for the Volunteer Program

of Reference:

Under the direct
supervision of the Volunteer Coordinators, the Program Officer performs
following functions in the Volunteer Unit of JICA Rwanda Office;

  1. To
    facilitate request process for new volunteer positions,
  1. To
    manage and facilitate necessary arrangement for acceptance of volunteers
    and for preparation during pre-dispatch period,
  1. To
    manage security and house lease services for volunteers,
  1. To
    arrange necessary meetings with relevant institutions,
  1. To
    provide other administrative support to volunteers,
  1. To take
    necessary measures for volunteers’ better performance, and
  1. To
    undertake any other duties instructed by Chief Representative.

of the Employment Contract:

The successful
candidate will sign an employment contract with Japan International Cooperation
Agency (JICA) Rwanda Office. The contract is concluded on annual basis
following JICA’s regulations, particularly the fiscal year term (April-March).
General conditions of the agreement will be negotiated with the successful


  1. Bachelor’s
  1. At
    least three years of professional experience
  1. Excellent
    language skills in English and Kinyarwanda (fluency in French is
  1. The
    following experiences would be an asset.
    • Working
      experiences in the public institutions of the government of Rwanda
    • Working
      experiences in development partners (preferably in Rwanda)
    • Working
      experiences in Japanese organizations or those related to Japan
      (preferably in Rwanda)

to Apply:

The application
containing a motivation letter, detailed curriculum vitae, copies of degrees
and certificates, and names and contacts of two referees knowledgeable about
the candidate shall be submitted by hand to JICA Rwanda Office (Ground Floor,
Ebenezer House, Kacyiru, Kigali) not
later than 16:00 on Monday 30th May, 2016. Please clearly write
“Application for Program Officer for the Volunteer Program” on the
submitted envelope.
Only shortlisted candidates will be
contacted for the written examination and the interview.

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