UNDP Communication Analyst Job Vacancy in Kigali, Rwanda


Kigali, RWANDA
Deadline :

of Contract :

FTA Local
Level :

Required :

Date :

(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
of Initial Contract :

One year


who previously applied need not re-apply.
November 2006, the UN Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on System-Wide
Coherence produced a set of far-reaching recommendations for UN reform aimed at
improving the coherence and effectiveness of the UN System at country level.
The report highlights that the UN System is not currently equipped to respond
to the challenges set by the Millennium Development Goals due mainly to
fragmentation, duplication, and lack of focus. In January 2007, Rwanda was
selected as one of eight pilot countries where the ‘One UN’ models will be
tried out. Around the same time, the UNCT in Rwanda started elaborating its
second Common Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for 2008-2012, thus
providing the necessary programmatic coherence for the implementation of the
‘One Programme’ model in Rwanda.
has been designated:
  • The
    lead UN agency for: UNDAF Result One related to Good Governance enhanced
    and sustained; and UNDAF Result 4 on Environment;
  • The
    Administrative Agent of the One UN Fund; and
  • Chair
    of the UN Operations Management Team (UNOMT) responsible for leading the
    harmonization and simplification of policies and procedures among UN
late 2009, UNDP embarked on a CO repositioning exercise with a view to aligning
the CO capacities with the new Country Programme priorities, and to meeting the
expectations placed upon UNDP within the context of the One UN (Delivering as
One ‘DaO’) and the Paris Declaration. The CO’s new Vision Statement is for UNDP
Rwanda to provide ‘quality advisory services, and contributes to the
development of national capacities in order to achieve Rwanda’s development
goals’. To achieve this, the CO developed the following Mission Statement:
‘UNDP Rwanda, through the UN Delivering as One process, will contribute to
providing effective and efficient support to the Government of Rwanda in
achieving the Millennium Development Goals as well as in the areas of Governance
and Environment’. Accordingly, a new COstructure has been established and new
functions redesigned to focus on the delivery of upstream advisory services and
cost-efficient development support services in Rwanda.
the overall guidance and direct supervision of the Country Director and in
close consultation with the RR/RC, the Communications Analyst develops concrete
plans for implementation of corporate communications strategy, and designs,
manages and implements UNDP Rwanda communications strategy and publication
policy to promote public and media outreach and to mobilize political and
financial support for UNDP and ensure communications support to business
development. A communications strategy tightly linked to program priorities
helps position the Country Office in key development markets as a leader in
ways that boost demand for various service lines and increase overall business
Communications Analyst may supervise and lead communications support staff. The
Communications Analyst works in close collaboration with the Advisory,
Programme, and Operations teams as well as project teams to ensure that these
strategies meet the programme needs. The incumbent closely cooperates with the
staff of other UN Agencies, UNDP HQs/Communications Office and the Regional
Communication Specialist, Government officials, media, multi-lateral and
bi-lateral donors and civil society ensuring successful UNDP communication
strategy implementation.
and Responsibilities
of Key Functions:
  • Formulation
    and implementation of CO communications and advocacy strategies and tools;
  • Elaboration
    and implementation of the CO publications policy;
  • Supervision
    of the design and maintenance of the UNDP/ UN web site, intranet, and CO
    web-based knowledge management system;
  • Support
    to business development and effective contribution to implementation of
    resource mobilization strategy
  • Facilitation
    of knowledge building and knowledge sharing.
effective formulation and timely implementation CO communications and advocacy
strategies and tools, focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Design,
    elaboration and implementation of the CO communications and outreach
    strategy based on the corporate communications strategyAdvocacy and
    promotion of UNDP mandate, mission and purpose;
  • Management
    and dissemination of advocacy materials including Human Development Report
    and other UN/UNDP publications. Contribution to and elaboration of joint
    UN information campaigns;
  • Creation,
    promotion and maintenance of marketing/promotional communication and
    advocacy packages and tools based on current programme and new
    initiatives. Thorough analysis of the information to be included into the
  • Active
    engagement in new partnership development, maintenance of close contacts
    with national and international media, government officials, multilateral
    and bilateral donors, civil society and private sector to promote public
    awareness on UNDP activities and to mobilize interests and resources for
    implementation of strategic initiatives;
  • Preparation
    of briefing materials and press releases and conduct of media interviews;
  • Effective
    participation and contribution to the development and implementation of a
    harmonized UN Communication Strategy and tools in Rwanda.
elaboration and implementation of the CO publications policy focusing on the
achievement of the following results:
  • Conceptualization,
    elaboration and implementation of the CO publications policy based on the
    corporate publications policy;
  • Identification
    of activities for publications, drafting articles describing successful
    projects, public events and other achievements and successes, fostering
    understanding of UNDP’s strategic role in country development;
  • Coordination
    and management of all CO publication activities, including content
    management, norms for publishing, design, translation, etc;
  • Supervision
    of publications dissemination.
the design and maintenance of the UNDP/ UN web site, intranet, CO web-based
knowledge management system focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Conceptualization
    and design of the office web sites based on corporate requirements in
    cooperation with the ICT staff;
  • Supervision
    and preparation of the content for the CO websites ensuring quality
    control and consistency of the materials;
  • Close
    collaboration with the UN Communication Working Group on development,
    implementation and maintenance of a common UN information platform.
the CO’s business development and effective contribution to implementation of
resource mobilization strategy, focusing on achievement of the following
and campaigns:
  • Promotion
    and maintenance of public information campaigns on UNDP activities, UN Reform,
    results of MDGs, in association with other;
  • Promotion
    and dissemination of corporate advocacy materials for launching flagship
    initiatives and publications such as the Human Development Report;
  • Packaging
    and submission of programme initiatives for donor review in collaboration
    with programme staff and supervisor.
  • Maintenance
    of increased coverage and understanding of the UNDP’s work in the country
    or practice area through regular media contacts and provision of
    newsworthy information to national public and, where possible, donors;
  • Organization
    of roundtable discussions, press conferences, briefing sessions,
    interviews, launches, etc;
  • Forging
    of a ‘one UN’ image through publicizing the significance of local UN
    reform efforts, joint programmes, common services. Organization and
    implementation of joint UN information;
  • campaigns
    (UN Day, World AIDS Day, etc.);
  • Ensured
    access for journalists to subject matter experts;
  • Drafting/production
    of regular newsletter to donors;
  • Preparation
    of donor reports, civic education and community awareness where
    appropriate to support projects.
  • Effective
    responses to inquiries for public information materials.
  • Active
    contribution to the development of a CO Resource Mobilization Strategy and
    its successful implementation in close collaboration with CO teams;
  • Formatting,
    packaging and submission of programme initiatives for donor review in
    collaboration with programme staff;
  • Development
    of partnerships with the UN Agencies, IFI’s, government institutions,
    bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, private sector, civil society in the
    specific thematic areas based on strategic goals of UNDP, country needs
    and donors’ priorities.
facilitation of knowledge building and management focusing on achievement of
the following results:
  • Identification
    and synthesis of best practices and lessons learned directly linked to
    programme country goals and activities, operational and management best
    practices as well as UN common system harmonization initiatives in the
    area of communication;
  • Sound
    contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice;
  • Organization
    of trainings for the CO and project staff on communication for
of result
key results from conceptualization of effective communications strategies and
tools and the dissemination of information on UNDP will impact on UNDP
visibility and image, and enhance UNDP Rwandaa business development potentials
and the reputation of the organization and the UN with its key stakeholders. In
particular, the key results have an impact on implementation of UNDP Corporate
communications strategy and publication policy, as well as reaching resource
mobilization targets.
  • Demonstrates
    integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Advocates
    and promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays
    cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and
  • Treats
    all people fairly without favoritism.
Management and Learning:
  • Shares
    knowledge and experience and contributes to UNDP Practice Areas;
  • Encourages
    office staff to share knowledge and contribute to UNDP Practice Areas;
  • Develops
    deep knowledge in Practice Areas;
  • Actively
    works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more
    Practice Areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills.
and Operational Effectiveness:
  • Ability
    to implement communications and publications strategies;
  • Ability
    to advocate effectively;
  • Demonstrates
    excellent ability to write and communicate orally with accuracy and
  • Good
    knowledge of current development issues particularly those pertinent to
    UNDP’s Practice Areas. Ability to conceptualize issues and analyze data;
  • Demonstrates
    strong IT skills.
and Leadership:
  • Focuses
    on impact and result for the client;
  • Leads
    teams effectively and shows conflict resolution skills;
  • Consistently
    approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Builds
    strong relationships with clients and external actors;
  • Demonstrates
    openness to change and ability to manage complexities.
Skills and Experience
  • Master’s
    degree in media relations, journalism, publishing, Communications or
    related field.
  • Minimum
    of 2 years of relevant experience at the national or international level
    in public relations, communications or advocacy;
  • Experience
    in the usage of computers and office software packages and handling of
    web-based management systems essential.
  • Fluency
    (both oral and written) in French and English is required and one of the
    national languages of the duty station.
who previously applied need not re-apply.
How to Apply
candidates are required to click here to apply

date: Monday, 27 October 2014
is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality
and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons
with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be
treated with the strictest confidence.

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