(A Constituent College of Egerton University)
Office of the Principal
Positions: School of Law
Kisii University College, a Constituent College of Egerton University, invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced individuals to fill the following teaching positions.
Senior Lecturer – (Ref: KUC/AA/16/2011) – 2 Positions
Lecturer – (Ref: KUC/AA/17/2011) – 2 Positions
Assistant Lecturer – (Ref: KUC/AA/18/2011) – 2 Positions
i. Senior Lecturer
• Must be a holder of a Ph.D degree in Law
• Must also have three years of University teaching experience, two of which one should have worked as a full-time lecturer after attaining Ph.D qualification.
• Must show evidence of continuing research including having published at least 3 articles in referred journals since being appoited Lecturer.
• Must have successfully supervised three (3) Masters students or one (1) Ph.D. Students since being appointed Lecturer.
• Should be self driven, highly motivated and result- oriented individual with strong communication, interpersonal, analytical and leadership skills.
ii. Lecturer
• Either be holders of a Ph.D degree in Law
• Must also have University teaching experience, two (2) years of which one should have worked as an
Assistant Lecturer.
• Be in possession of a masters degree with at least two (2) articles in refereed journals or presented at least three (3) seminar papers.
• Must have a University teaching experience of three (3) years full-time.
• Registrability for a Ph.D will be an added advantage.
• Should be self driven, highly motivated and result-oriented individual with strong communication, interpersonal and leadership skills.
iii. Assistant Lecturer
• Be a holder of a master degree in law with at least two (2) years of University teaching experience;
• Successful candidates will be required to teach, supervise students and conduct research in their areas of specialization.
• Should be self driven, highly motivated and result-oriented individual with strong communication, interpersonal and leadership skills.
The application letter should give full details of Educational and Professional qualifications, work experience, present post and salary, applicant’s telephone number and E-mail address; copies of certificates and testimonials should also be enclosed giving the names and addresses of three(3) referees conversant with the applicant’s current competence, expertise and area of specialization.
Applicants should request their referees to write immediately and directly to the undersigned.
The applications and letters from the referees should reach the undersigned not later than 28th October, 2011.
The Principal
Kisii Univeristy College
P.O. Box 408-40200
Kisii, Kenya