and Justification
31 March 2015, a small number of Burundian Refugees began entering Rwanda. As
the number of daily arrivals increased, the Ministry of Disaster Management and
Refugee Affairs (MIDIMAR) declared the influx an emergency situation and
activated a contingency plan on 6 April. Since then the total number of
refugees has increased as have the daily numbers of people crossing into
Rwanda hosts more than 70.000 re
fugees from Burundi, with more than 30.000
refugees in Mahama camp. The majority of refugees are children and women.
Refugees are still arriving in Rwanda on a daily basis. Refugees are
accommodated in Mahama Refugee Camp and 2 reception centres in Bugesera and
Nyanza. The emergency response on the ground is coordinated by the MIDIMAR and
UNHCR, engaging multiple partners, including UNICEF. One of the main issues is
high number of unaccompanied / separated children. A child protection approach
has been activated including tracing, case management, provision of alternative
care, establishment of Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) and recreational and
psychosocial support. UNICEF’s child protection response is focused on:
Monitoring of and response to violations against children
Establishing and strengthening Child Protection Mechanisms
Prevention and response to violence, abuse and exploitation of children
Psycho-social support to children and their families
that end, UNICEF is recruiting a child protection in emergencies officer
consultant. The assignment is for six months; the consultant will report to the
Chief of Child Protection and will receive daily technical guidance from the
Child Protection in Emergencies Specialist, based in Kirehe and the Child
Protection in Emergencies Specialist, based in Kigali.
of the Consultancy and Scope of Work
in Kirehe, the consultant will work in cooperation with the Child Protection in
Emergencies Specialist to provide support for the child protection response to
the refugee crisis. More specifically the Child Protection in Emergencies
Officer will provide capacity support to partners on child protection in
emergencies as well as monitoring and reporting of child protection risks and
work undertaken by the Consultant will be in line with the Convention on the
Rights of the Child (1989), the Integrated Child Rights Policy and Strategy
(2011) and other relevant child protection national and international standards
and frameworks.
and Key End Results
the supervision of the UNICEF Chief of the Child Protection Section in Kigali
and in close coordination with the UNICEF Child Protection Specialist
(Emergencies) in Kigali and the UNICEF Child Protection in Emergencies
Specialist in Kirehe, the main responsibilities of the assignment are the
- Support
capacity development efforts of the implementing partners on the ground to
monitor and report on activities and protection concerns. - Timely
sectorial analysis, input, collaboration and support to the development of
Situation Analyses on child protection, and periodic updates for effective
programme planning, development and management. This includes support to
the establishment and implementation of a system for monitoring, verifying
and reporting information on violations of children’s rights related to
the refugee situation. - UNICEF’s
child protection goals and principles effectively promoted through
advocacy and policy dialogue with the sectors and stakeholders responsible
for Child Protection. - Knowledge
management effectively promoted through ensuring proper reporting formats
are developed and partner staff are able to report accurate, timely and
relevant data. - Child
Protection in emergencies work plan and activities formulated, implemented
and monitored, ensuring alignment with the defined programme strategies
and approaches. - Delivery,
evaluation and reporting of Child Protection intervention in emergencies
carried out efficiently, rigorously and transparently in compliance with
the established guidelines and procedures, to address the needs of
vulnerable boys and girls (unaccompanied/separated children, children in
conflict with the law, victims of Gender-based violence, etc.). - Effective
communication and networking achieved through partnership and
collaboration on the ground
End Results:
UNICEF’s global goals and Core Commitments in Emergency (Preparedness, Response
and Early recovery) are effectively promoted.
Knowledge management effectively promoted through Support to child protection
partners in the field.
Child protection information collection system is maintained in close
cooperation with other partners in order to facilitate the production of
regular trends analyses on child protection issues for evidence-based advocacy
and development of adequate child protection responses.
Support to partners on the ground is provided to ensure that gender/sex
disaggregated data and inputs relevant to the Child Protection programme are
Programme delivery, evaluation and reporting carried out efficiently,
rigorously and transparently in compliance with the established guidelines and
procedures, and fully in line with UNICEF’s Core Commitments to Children in
Emergency (CCCs).
Proper and timely UNICEF, Government and all implementing partner’s
accountability ensured regarding supply and non-supply assistance as well as
disbursement of programme funds for the Child Protection sector.
Capacity of partners to deliver child protection services is enhanced.
and Payment Schedule
payment upon satisfactory submission of deliverables as follows:
15% of fee : Support to improvement of case management systems (evidenced by
Capacity building of partner staff on case management (evidenced by report)
Support to development of four (4) situation reports (to be finalized by Child
Protection in Emergencies consultant)- End of month 1
15% of fee : Support to improvement of child protection information management
(report on challenges and opportunities for improvement)
Capacity building of partner staff on managing child protection information
(evidenced by report)
Support to development of four (4) situation reports (to be finalized by Child
Protection in Emergencies consultant)
Support to monitoring reports on project implementation (to be finalized by the
Child Protection in Emergencies Consultant) – End of month 2
15% of fee: · Mapping of actual referral paths and analysis and recommendations
for improvement of referral system
Support to development of four (4) situation reports (to be finalized by Child
Protection in Emergencies consultant)
Support to monitoring reports on project implementation (to be finalized by the
Child Protection in Emergencies Consultant) -End of month 3
15% of fee: · Capacity building of partner staff on case management (evidenced
by report)
Support to development of four (4) situation reports (to be finalized by Child
Protection in Emergencies consultant)
Support to monitoring reports on project implementation (to be finalized by the
Child Protection in Emergencies Consultant) – End of month 4
20% of fee :· Capacity building of partner staff on case management (evidenced
by report)
Support to development of four (4) situation reports (to be finalized by Child
Protection in Emergencies consultant)
Support to monitoring reports on project implementation (to be finalized by the
Child Protection in Emergencies Consultant) -End of month 5
20% of fee · Support to development of four (4) situation reports (to be
finalized by Child Protection in Emergencies consultant)
Support to monitoring reports on project implementation (to be finalized by the
Child Protection in Emergencies Consultant)
Final report End of month 6
Education and Experience
Advanced university degree in social sciences, law, child development or other
related field;
Minimum of 2 years of relevant work experience at national or international
level in child protection. Emergency experience in child protection is highly
Experience with managing information.
Experience with coordination of partners
Experience with monitoring and reporting.
Fluency in English and Kinyarwanda is required. Fluency in French is a
significant added advantage.
competencies and skills
- Commitment
- Diversity
and Inclusion - Integrity
Communication (II)
Working with People (I)
Drive for Results (I)
Formulating Strategies and Concepts (I)
Analyzing (II)
Applying Technical Expertise (II)
Learning and Researching (II)
Planning and Organizing (II)
Relating and Networking (II)
- Self
– motivated team worker with a clear drive for results - Good
interpersonal skills - Strong
networking skills, especially with Government counterparts - Strong
writing skills in English - Flexibility
and responsiveness - Ability
to meet deadlines
Consultant will be based in Kirehe with frequent missions to Kigali. Travel to
neighbouring countries can also be considered if necessary. Consultant will be
provided with a laptop and office space when in Kigali.
will travel to Kigali at least:
days (5 nights) on first month of assignment for induction period
- 2
days (1 night) per month in months 2,3,4,5 of the assignment for child
protection coordination meetings - 3
days for debriefing on last month of the assignment.
Applicable UN DSA rates for subsistence and accommodation.
Consultant must complete basic security and advanced security in the field
prior to assignment in Kirehe.
The candidate selected will be governed by and subject to UNICEF general terms
and conditions for individual contracts.
Non-UNICEF staff (including individual consultants) issued with UNICEF Travel
Authorization are not covered by the insurance which automatically applies to
UNICEF staff, and are fully responsible for arranging their own insurance
As per UNICEF DFAM policy, payment is made against approved deliverables. No
advance payment is allowed unless in exceptional circumstances against bank
guarantee, subject to a maximum of 30 per cent of the total contract value in
cases where advance purchases, for example for supplies or travel, may be
necessary. The candidate selected will be governed by and subject to UNICEF’s
General Terms and Conditions for individual contracts.
and Supervision
consultant located in Kirehe reports to the Chief of the Child Protection
Section in Kigali and works in close collaboration with the Child Protection in
Emergencies Specialist based in Kirehe and the Child Protection Specialist in
Emergencies based in Kigali.
individuals are requested to submit their cover letter, CV and P11 form (which
can be downloaded from: http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/files/P11.doc , to Human
Resources at:rwajobs@unicef.org by
Wednesday, August 26th 2015, with subject: “National Consultancy for Child
Protection Emergencies Officer-NOB.”
may also submit to: Human Resources Specialist, UNICEF Rwanda, P.O. Box 381,
Kigali, Rwanda.