The Association for Women’s Rights in Development – AWID Communications and Knowledge Building Program Coordinator


Overview of
the Program

The Association for
Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) is an international feminist organization
working to strengthen the voice, impact and influence of women’s rights
advocates, organizations and movements internationally.

Recognizing that
religious fundamentalisms are gaining ground all over the world with
particularly negative consequences for women’s rights and gender equality, the
Challenging Religious Fundamentalisms (CF) thematic area aims to contribute to
greater strategic thinking, dialogue and advocacy on religious fundamentalisms
by women’s rights and other social justice organizations and movements.
Launched in 2007, the CF initiat

ive has three main areas of focus:

  • Ensuring
    that women’s rights activists and allies have access to high quality and
    strategic information on emerging trends, developments and analysis to
    better inform their responses to religious fundamentalisms
  • Strengthening
    the capacity of women’s rights activists, groups and allies to understand,
    analyse and develop more effective strategies to challenge religious
  • Opening
    up spaces for dialogue and strategizing on the issue of religious
    fundamentalisms that cut across generations, contexts, regions, issues and
    religious contexts

Overview of

The Challenging
Religious Fundamentalisms – Communications and Knowledge BuildingProgram
Coordinator is a full-time position reporting to the CF Manager, who will
support the strategic objectives of CF with an emphasis on religious
fundamentalisms and the international human rights system. The Program
Coordinator will be responsible for the following main functions:

  • Knowledge-Building
    and Exchange
    : Produces well-written and
    timely analysis of the use of religion, culture and tradition to undermine
    the universality of rights and violate women’s human rights. Conducts
    research, writes updates, articles, briefs, urgent action statements, develops
    advocacy tools and produces short publications. Supports capacity building
    initiatives/activities. Takes a lead in the development an online platform
    to monitor the impact of religious fundamentalisms in the human rights
  • Partnerships,
    Collaborations and Alliance-Building
    Participates in efforts to expand and deepen AWID’s engagement and
    collaboration with actors from women’s rights, human rights and other
    social movements working on issues of religious fundamentalisms
    particularly those engaged in the international and regional human rights
    processes. Strengthens collaborations and alliance-building through
    proactive formal and informal communications with external stakeholders
    and key allies.
  • Convening
    Dialogues and Strategic Conversations
    Engages in external dialogues and convenings; facilitates working groups,
    consultations or caucuses as needed. Contributes to CF strategic
    convenings by developing presentations and supporting written materials.
  • Advocacy
    and Action
    : Strengthening advocacy,
    exchange and action for positive change with regards to women’s rights,
    human rights and religious fundamentalisms in international policy spaces
  • Organizational
    : Contributes to the monitoring
    and evaluation processes of the program and contributes to funder reports
    and internal reporting processes.

Location of the Position:

  • Work
    location is open
  • AWID
    offices are located in Cape Town, Mexico City and Toronto but applicants
    may apply to work from home in other locations
  • Applicants
    from the Global South are strongly encouraged to apply


and Exchange

  • In
    collaboration with AWID partners, produce regular monitoring reports on
    the use of arguments based on religion, culture and tradition to undermine
    the universality of rights and violate women’s human rights in the
    international human rights system
  • Drafts
    written position statements, briefs, short analytical pieces, reports and
    papers on issues of religious fundamentalisms, women’s rights and human
    rights. Provides strategic inputs and analysis in reaction to relevant
    documents produced by others or developments in this area
  • Takes
    a lead in developing a virtual platform to monitor and track the impact of
    arguments based on religion, culture and tradition to undermine the
    universality of rights and violate women’s human rights in the
    international human rights system, which will include providing timely
    analysis, maintaining a repository of materials and other functions
  • Support
    capacity building activities & initiatives as required to disseminate
    the knowledge generated by the initiative

Collaborations & Alliance-Building

  • Provides
    support and works in close collaboration with AWID partners, maintaining
    regular communication, soliciting input and advancing common objectives
  • Participates
    in efforts to expand and deepen AWID’s engagement and collaboration with
    actors from women’s rights, human rights and other social movements
    working on issues of religious fundamentalisms particularly within the
    international human rights system
  • Participates
    in relevant meetings, working groups and engages in formal and informal
    communications with external stakeholders and key allies
  • Liaises
    with stakeholders (partner organizations, consultants, etc.) to discuss
    collaborative initiatives, provide information or follow-up on commitments
    and deadlines
  • Maintains
    regular communication with allies and other actors relevant to AWID’s
    advocacy objectives

Advocacy and

  • Contributes
    to defining priorities, objectives and strategies to advance advocacy on
    religious fundamentalisms and women’s rights particularly within the
    international human rights system
  • Represents
    AWID in select international or regional venues identified as relevant for
    advocacy purposes or alliance building
  • Drafts
    AWID’s responses and urgent actions including letters, solidarity messages
    and statements that support women human rights defenders challenging
    religious fundamentalisms
  • Works
    with communications team to develop mechanisms for appropriate actions
    including using social media and other tools to strengthen advocacy

Dialogues and Strategic Conversations

  • Engages
    in venues, in particular those relevant to international human rights
    processes to effectively advance the strategic goals of the initiative
    (i.e. knowledge building, advocacy, alliance-building and partnerships)
  • Makes
    public presentations on research results or other CF analysis/resources in
    strategic venues, represents the initiative in relevant dialogues and /or
    facilitates small working groups, consultations or caucuses as needed
  • Supports
    convenings of the initiative including preparation of meeting-related
    documents, background reading, agenda, concept papers, presentations,
    post-meeting reports etc.


  • Contributes
    to work-planning, monitoring and evaluation and reporting processes to
    effectively advance strategic objectives of the program
  • Ensures
    the timely and effective implementation of deliverables linked to
    individual work plan, including all activities, reports and evaluations
  • Participates
    and contributes to CF team coordination and planning meetings
  • Participates
    actively in organizational meeting venues (office and staff meetings) and



4-6 years

  • Working
    for a non-profit organization in a related role:
  • writing
    and editing a range of high quality products related to women’s rights,
    human rights and/or religious fundamentalisms
  • analyzing
    key issues and themes related to women’s rights and human rights
  • engaging
    with international human rights bodies and venues
  • alliance
    building and building collaborative processes and advocating to effect
    change (in regional and/or global spaces)
  • working
    in a multi-cultural team and/or one located in diverse locations
  • working
    in or with organizations based in the Global South and/or Central and
    Eastern Europe


  • International
    human rights system and processes particularly in relation to women’s
    rights and human rights
  • Complex
    intersections of issues that relate to religious fundamentalisms, women’s
    rights and human rights globally
  • Familiarity
    with international and regional women’s rights organizations and networks
    working on women’s rights, sexual and reproductive rights, LGBTQI rights,
    human rights, and religious fundamentalisms


  • University
    degree in related field: social science, political science, international
    relations, development, gender studies, religious studies, human rights,

& Skills:

  • Excellent
    written and communication skills in English (e.g. articles, analytical
    pieces, report writing, position statements)
  • Experience
    conducting advocacy on issues of religious fundamentalisms, women’s human
    rights and gender equality
  • Strong
    public speaking and facilitation skills
  • Ability
    to navigate international policy spaces
  • Excellent
    interpersonal and relationship building skills, ability to navigate
    complex relationships and work with multiple stakeholders in a coalition
    and partnership
  • Innovative,
    flexible, manages change
  • Demonstrated
    capacity to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate a work plan with
    multiple deliverables and deadlines
  • Strategic
    & forward thinking abilities
  • Displays
    good judgment, sensitivity and attention to communication
  • Strong
    time management, detail orientation and thoroughness of work
  • Ability
    to prioritize, multi task, and manage stress
  • Results-oriented,
    and takes initiative
  • Problem
    solving and decision making abilities
  • Superior
    knowledge of the MS Office Suite (Word, Excel PowerPoint), internet and
  • Knowledge
    of latest ICT’s for raising awareness and advocacy, building online
    communities, information sharing
  • Ability
    to work independently and as part of a team
  • Ability
    to work remotely as part of a virtual team


  • Able
    to travel internationally (at least 5 weeks per year)
  • Committed
    to the principles and values of feminism and anti-oppression


  • Bilingual
    (written and spoken) in French, Arabic or Spanish
  • Graduate
    degree in related field
  • Courses
    or certificates in Women’s/Feminist studies, Political Economy or Human Rights
    considered an asset
  • Proficient
    in the use of ICTs, web 2.0 and web utilities to effect change
  • Trilingual
    (English and any combination of Spanish-French-Arabic-Russian)

to apply

Please submit in English, a
current CV, along with a cover letter (no more than two pages) that addresses
how you meet the necessary qualifications to:

  • Fax:
    +416 594 0330
  • E-mail: (please include “CF – Communications and Knowledge
    Building Program Coordinator” in the subject line)

In addition please
include a response to the following question (no more than 300 words):

“What would
you consider are the key challenges in protecting the universality of human

application closing date is Sunday, September 21, 2014.

We thank all those
who apply, but only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. No phone calls
please. AWID encourages, promotes and supports diversity in all aspects of its
work. To learn more about AWID and our programs, please visit our website at

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