Rwanda Natural Resource Authority (RNRA),Forest Landscape Restoration Baseline Survey; Gicumbi & Gatsibo District

OF REFERENCE FOR consultancy
Landscape Restoration Baseline Survey; Gicumbi & Gatsibo District
Natural Resource Authority (RNRA) in partnership with International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is piloting a multiple benefit Forest Landscape
Restoration (FLR) project in Gicumbi and Gatsibo district in line with the
government’s commitment  to Bonn Challenge to restore 2M Hectare by the
year 2020.The project aims at developing se

veral FLR investment packages that
attracts both the private sector (while benefiting the farmers) and the owners
to realize full scale restoration that can be scaled up within Rwanda and
beyond. The project is expected to restore a total of 18,000 Ha by 2018 using
interventions outlined in the Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology
(ROAM) Rwanda Report and in the road test RAOM handbook.

of the main milestones of the project is to create a robust M&E framework
that will be used to develop a GIS based and a multi-user M&E system for
monitoring the project successes and the long-term impact on the landscapes.
The project proposal document has outlined 3 outcome indicators and 8 output
indicators as the basis for monitoring the project trend in short-term and long
term period.
of the consultancy
of the main setbacks in many landscape restoration projects/activities is lack
of an effective monitoring and evaluation framework/plan. This does not only
hamper the success of the project but also jeopardises the efforts to see the
impact of the project on the landscapes. To turn this around this consultancy is
expected to determine concrete baseline situation at the pilot districts as
firm base to monitor the trend. These consultancies will focus on the 11
indicators to address the three main aspects of a successful restoration. The
analysis of these indicators will be vital in developing an M&E Framework
that will consequently feed into the M&E system.
NB: The consultant
will have to collect the list of the project indicators from the IUCN office
before responding to the call for proposal.
Study Objectives
  1. To
    establish the baseline situation of the project using the provided
  2. To
    gather relevant baseline data for key project indicators – including a
    baseline survey to gauge the social economic (livelihood) status of the
    targeted population that should be linked to the biophysical
    data/indicators of the landscapes.
  3. To
    develop an M&E Framework.
of work
  1. Collect
    and analyse relevant biophysical data that addressees the appropriate
    indicator including and not limited to;
  • Physical
    description and understanding of the select landscape (topography, relief,
    climate, population, forest cover, watersheds, water catchments land use
    pattern, and landscape pressure/vulnerability, etc.)
  • Carbon
  • Planting
    stock diversification.
  • A
    GIS database of the landowners that a currently participating in FLR
    groups/activities in the selected sectors.
  1. Collect
    and analyse social-economic/livelihood data and information linked to the
    project indicators including:
  • Local/rural
    livelihoods opportunities
  • Income
    generating opportunities for farmers, women, youth
  • Measures
    to improve the skills base of local communities
  • Market
  1. Review
    the existing policies, institutional and capacity issues affecting
    implementation OF FLR and provide appropriate governance framework, for
  1. Questionnaire
    preparation, participatory data collection, & development of a
    sampling strategy.
  2. Frequent
    meeting with the IUCNstaff and district officials to get inputs and
  3. Use
    maps and graphs to demonstrate indicator measurements.
  4. A
    synthesis of relevant reports from government institutions and IUCN.
  5.  Review
    pertinent projects documents and maps.
  6. Use
    of Key Informant Interviews to gauge changing attitudes of key
    stakeholders in the course of the consultancy.
  7. Meeting
    with the relevant district officials.
  8. Inception
    reporting and validation workshops
of study:
of study is estimated to be 30 days after signing the contract.
minimum the individual consultant must possess the following:
  • Must
    possess at least a M. sc. Degree in social economics /Environmental
  • Must
    have a multi-disciplinary team composed of M&E expert, statistician
    and GIS analyst.
  • At
    least 8 years’ work experience in baseline survey on social economic and
    biophysical indicators related to Forest Landscape Restoration or
    Environmental Impacts Assessment.
  • Proven
    understanding on forest and non-forest value chains.
  • Fluency
    in spoken and written English.
  • Excellent
    analytical and report writing skills.
and international consultants who meet the requirements should submit the
technical and financial proposals which must include the following: (i) a
suitability statement, commitment to be available for the entire assignment,
(ii) proposed study methodology including a detailed work plan, (iii) a
financial proposal in a separate document (if soft copy)/envelope (if hard
copy), including daily cost per major activity, (iv) updated curriculum vitae
showing qualifications and experience, (v) references from 3 organizations that
have recently contracted the consultant to carry out a baseline survey.
proposals should be sent to
and .The closing date
for submission is 1st August2016 at 16.00Hrs.The financial proposals will be
opened on same day and time at IUCN office (4th Floor, RSSB building).For more
information call: +250-788-301-582or +250-785-186-361

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