Nanyang Technological University Postgraduate students in Materials Science & Engineering Jobs Vacancies in Singapore

The School of Materials Science & Engineering in Nanyang Technological University (among the top 25 Materials schools in research,, is embarking on a collaboration with Stanford University of Medicine in the area of Infectious Diseases.
Applications are invited to apply for:

Postgraduate students in the area of Biosensor Development and Analytical Biochemistry

There are three fully-funded Ph.D positions available under this research area. The main research activity will be carried out in the Centre for Biomimetic Sensor Science, NTU, in collaboration with the Stanford University School of Medicine. Our goal is to include the development of sensor tools to investigate infectious disease mechanisms, high-throughput screening to identify molecular targeting candidate drugs, and clinical diagnostics.

Training visits to the Stanford campus are possible for certain virology-based projects. The main responsibility is research and publication, including learning how to independently design and analyze experiments. Teaching experience in undergraduate material science courses will also be acquired. The Ph.D students will work under the primary supervision of Associate Prof Cho Nam-Joon. Co-supervision is possible through additional NTU and Stanford faculty for interested students.

• 2nd upper Bachelor’s degree in Materials Science, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Applied Physics, Molecular Biology or related Nanobiotechnology fields
• Willingness to work in team settings; and have strong interest to work at the interface of engineering and medicine
• Strong experimental skills are a plus
• Expertise/ skills in the following areas are desirable: quartz crystal microbalance, surface plasmon resonance and related analytical techniques; atomic force microscopy; and model membranes

The successful candidate will receive: Full stipend and tuition fees for 4 years. The starting monthly stipend is SGD 2,000 – SGD 2,500 and will be adjusted to SGD 2,500 – SGD 3,000 upon passing the Ph.D qualifying examination. Attractive fellowships for overseas attachment and conference support are available on a competitive basis.

Please email your complete cover letter, CV, and contact information for two referees to: Associate Prof Cho Nam-Joon, email: by 31 May 2011.

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