Hearing Aid Doctor’s Guide: Top Hearing Solutions for Better Living

Can you carry on with your daily life without proper hearing? It would be challenging indeed! Your hearing capacity helps you connect with the outside world beyond doubt. Hearing loss is triggered by various factors including ageing, ear infections, genetic factors, eardrum and nerve damage etc. 

There is no need to despair when you experience a deficit in your hearing capacity. You can now use advanced hearing aids and access technologies to improve and restore hearing capacity. In Singapore, top ENT clinics and audiologists offer solutions to make things easier for people with hearing and balance problems. 

Common symptoms of hearing decline

When you develop hearing problems, it will show up in several ways. Here are a few examples:

  • You find yourself turning up the TV volume frequently.
  • You find it hard to hear conversations over the phone, more so when outside.
  • There is a buzzing sensation inside the ears.
  • You face hardship in hearing high-pitched sounds like doorbells. 

If you experience one or more of these signs, you should look for a professional audiologist. 

What are the top hearing solutions suggested by audiologists?

Top audiologists in Singapore offer a broad range of hearing solutions to help their patients.

  • Hearing aids- They offer different types of hearing aids matching the hearing level of the patients. Those coping with mild to severe hearing loss are advised to use behind-the-ear types, while those in mild to moderate range cope better with In-ear types. There are near-invisible in-ear type models and receiver-in-canal models, too. They also look at individual user needs and comfort levels. 
  • Cochlear implants- Some people do not benefit much from hearing aids. For such people, using cochlear implants can be the way out. These surgically implanted devices work on your auditory nerve directly. 
  • Bone-anchored hearing aids- For people with congenital ear canal issues and resultant hearing loss, using a bone-anchored hearing aid solution works well. It bypasses the damaged ear, sending sound vibrations to the inner ear by targeting the skull bone.
  • Before suggesting these devices and solutions, they carry out extensive hearing tests and assess user needs. 

How do you pick the best hearing solution?

While professional audiologists at Hearing Balance can help you pick a hearing solution, you must also consider your usage needs. 

  • Before you choose a solution, think about what matters to you the most. Do you need an in-ear device or something barely visible? Also, think if you need a device with ambient noise cancellation or Bluetooth connectivity features or not. 
  • You also need to think of usage comfort. You can find devices that can be customized to suit your ear shape perfectly without causing pain. 
  • Remember that any hearing aid product will need some tuning, and you will get used to it gradually. 


You should ensure your hearing aids are in good shape for better hearing ability. Also, avoid loud noise sources as much as possible and get periodic hearing checkups. It would be good to adhere to the balanced lifestyle and dietary guidance your audiologist suggests. 

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