Hazard associated with poor housing

Howden (2004), said that hazards associated with poor housing have direct impact on health, they have the potential of causing injury and damages to individuals expose to them, which includes;

  1. Physical hazards
  2. Social hazards
  3. Biological hazards

 Physical hazards

This hazards includes injuries from falls, heat, cold/inadequate energy efficiency, electric shock, radon, poisoning (carbon monoxide, lead) structural failure and similar physical hazards and this hazard are caused as a result of poor design, functioning and maintenance of equitable temperature in the house by cooling during the dry season and heating in the wet season is also conducive to good health some other hazards includes atmospheric pollution from Smokey wood fibre, explosion, contaminated water, noise pollution, inadequate provision for food safety, entry by intruders entrapment or collision etc.

 Social hazards

A house should be designed accurately so that the family can function effectively in terms of its cultural background, educational background etc. this implies the required level of privacy for adults and a suitable setting for bringing up children. A building should improve the occupant psychological and physiological needs.

Young people living in disorganized inner city areas which a prevalence of physical deterioration, mobility and social households, high residential mobility and social housing are at higher risk of becoming involved in offences (Danny, 2010).

Biological hazards

The risk of transmission of communicable disease is high in a house that has poor ventilation and overcrowding. Overcrowding and poor ventilation are problems community associated with insanitary supply of larger dwelling and impair ventilation (inadequate windows and doors in a house). They are of great problem in all phases of public health. This is because, a house that is overcrowding with people is bound to generate a lot of solid and liquid waste whose magnitude is beyond the facilities man’s physio-mental performance and well-being as over-crowded house leads to sustainability and proliferation. They give rise to biological hazards.

A house is said to be overcrowded when the vacant floor available for each adult is less than fifty square feet; children above ten years are counted as adults in this case (WHO, 2000). A house is said to be poorly ventilated when the supply of the air (natural and artificial) is inadequate.

 Satisfactory features of housing

Oni (2009), said in view of the provision below in a house, it will lead to prevent the following hazards and diseases associated with poor housing

  1. Sufficient space and ventilated
  2. A safe adequate an accessible water supply
  3. Provision for adequate refuse collection and disposal facility
  4. A suitable location always for road
  5. Good natural and mechanical lighting
  6. Adequate open space for mental stimulation
  7. Strong wall and roof that protect from rain, cold and sun, animals and insects
  8. A clean, safe place to store food and water
  9. A smoke free cooking source
  10. Separate room for living an sleeping which should meet the recommended law of the health authority
  11. Drainage of surface water
  12. Provide adequate security
  13. Be well sited and make permanent on a good soil


Danny, F. (2010). Social impact of poor housing. New York: Ecote

Howden, P. (2004). Housing standards: A Glossary of housing and Health, Junior Community Health.

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