Finding A Pub Management Job In Your Ideal Area

Pub Management

Working in the hospitality industry, specifically pubs, can be a highly rewarding and enjoyable career suitable for people with various skills. However, if you have a preferred area to work in, finding a pub management job in your chosen area can be tricky, and sometimes you must be patient. There are things you can do that can increase your chances of success and help you land the perfect position in your preferred area, some of which are listed below. Follow these tips, and you can find yourself in your chosen area, starting a rewarding career in hospitality, where every day is different.

Search Positions Online

An excellent place to start your search for a pub management position in your preferred area is by searching websites online and seeing what vacancies you see are available. Many websites post jobs, and websites such as Reed will show many jobs, including those in the hospitality industry, or use websites like that specialise in the hospitality industry. You can browse all the positions available and see if anything matches your needs in your chosen area. However, you may find that there is nothing currently available in your preferred area, so you may need to check back periodically to see new available positions. You can also consider getting someone to help you find your ideal pub management position, as there are recruitment agencies you can use to assist with your search.

Register With A Specialist Agency

Another option to consider is registering with a specialist recruitment agency specialising in the hospitality sector. You can speak with the recruitment consultant, share your experience and qualifications, and tell them precisely what you are looking for. When you want a position in a specific area, they may be unable to assist you immediately, but they can keep your name on the books should anything arise in your chosen area. They will often have contacts in the industry that they can approach if you are a good candidate and let the different hiring companies know that you are looking for a position in a certain area, which can also help your search. However, you will sometimes find that recruitment agencies will call you about other positions that do not meet your criteria to see if they can get you interested, so you must be clear and precise with telling them what you want.

Approach Pub Management Companies

There are many different pub management companies in the UK, and you can also approach these companies directly to see what vacancies they have in your preferred area. You can speak directly with their recruitment team to see what is currently on offer and ask them if they have any establishments in your chosen area. You can ignore any companies that do not operate where you wish to be based, but the companies that do have establishments in your area will often have a mailing list that you can join. When you sign up for these mailing lists you can be the first to know when pubs in your area are added, so you can apply immediately and confirm your interest. Doing this can help you find the perfect pub location for your needs and hopefully help you get the job of your dreams in the hospitality industry.

Do Not Forget The Freehouse Pubs

You also want to ensure that you do not forget about the independent freehouse pubs all over the UK, as there may be some in your chosen area. It is worth driving around your preferred area, seeing if there are any freehouses in the area, and making a list of them if you find any. You can then approach any that you find and see if any are looking for a manager to run the establishment. Although you may find that the salary and package available when working at a freehouse is not as attractive as other positions, you can make up for it in bonuses if you hit your target, which can be significantly better. Working in a freehouse also allows the manager to change the drinks they offer customers, so you can experiment and see which your regular customers prefer, which you cannot do when tied to a brewery. 

The above are some tips to help you find a role in a pub within a specific area, but you must be patient when you are restrictive where you want to work. It can take time before a position becomes available, but if you are patient, you can find your dream position within the hospitality industry and your perfect role.

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