of Reference for Evaluation of Microfinance Services and Potential to Finance
Forest Land Restoration (FLR) Investments
of Reference for Evaluation of Microfinance Services and Potential to Finance
Forest Land Restoration (FLR) Investments
in partnership with Rwanda natural Resources Authority (RNRA) is implementing a
project on “Piloting Multiple Benefit Investment Packages through
forest/landscape restoration and
in partnership with Rwanda natural Resources Authority (RNRA) is implementing a
project on “Piloting Multiple Benefit Investment Packages through
forest/landscape restoration and
REDD+ in Rwanda for Scaling up in Africa”. The
overarching project goal/outcome is: “Demonstrated and verified enhancement of
carbon stocks and other ecosystem services delivered through landscape scale
restoration in two Rwandan districts with the institutional and investment
means in place to upscale nationally and promote regionally”. The
project aims to promote the restoration of a mosaic landscapes and enhance
carbon stocks in Rwanda as well as deepen commitments to FLR across Eastern
project further aims to stimulate increased public and private investment in
Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) at community, district, national and
regional levels by creating opportunities to enhance access to finance for farmers.
This study will therefore gather detailed information on microfinance services,
products, risks, barriers, and recommend interventions to unlock the financing
opportunities for individuals and groups at the community and district levels.
project further aims to stimulate increased public and private investment in
Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) at community, district, national and
regional levels by creating opportunities to enhance access to finance for farmers.
This study will therefore gather detailed information on microfinance services,
products, risks, barriers, and recommend interventions to unlock the financing
opportunities for individuals and groups at the community and district levels.
of the Study
of the Study
purpose of the consultancy is to evaluate how microfinance services canenable
both individual farmers and groups to invest in FLR in the pilot landscapes of
Gatsibo and Gicumbi districts of Rwanda. The study will review the microfinance
sector with particular emphasis on community financing and bring to light the
opportunities, prospects and challenges of financing forest landscape
restoration projects.
purpose of the consultancy is to evaluate how microfinance services canenable
both individual farmers and groups to invest in FLR in the pilot landscapes of
Gatsibo and Gicumbi districts of Rwanda. The study will review the microfinance
sector with particular emphasis on community financing and bring to light the
opportunities, prospects and challenges of financing forest landscape
restoration projects.
Objectives include:
Objectives include:
- To
gain deep understanding of the Microfinance service sector in Rwanda and
the financial environment in general. - To
evaluate the existing microfinance products and services, community
financing schemes/services (formal and informal), and their adaptability
to individual small holder farmers and community based groups. - To
develop practicable recommendations on unlocking access to finance for
individual and groups that aim to invest in FLR
of the Study
of the Study
- Microfinance
and Policy Environment
- Identify
the micro level financial services providers operating in Rwanda, for
example, MFIs, Financial Cooperatives, NGOs, Commercial Banks etc.and
assess their proximity and accessibility to rural small holders farmers as
well the potential to finance Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) projects. - Review
related policies and laws and how they affect provision of microfinance
services to individual farmers and community based groups such as saving
groups, youth groups, woman groups etc
- Microfinance
Products and Services
- Evaluate
the types, structure and delivery of microfinance products, and their
relevance to farmers including, but not limited to, micro credit, micro
savings, micro insurance, leasing, and financial literacy training. - Asses
the appropriateness of microfinance products and services to the needs of
rural households, farmers and suitability to financing FLR initiatives. - Identify
financial and non-financial barriers that limit access to microfinance for
small holder farmers and community based groups. - Community
Financing Review and Recommendations - Review
the target clientele for microfinance providers and assess their readiness
to offer services to community based formal and informal groups such as
Village Loans and Saving Associations (VSLAs), youth or women groups and
other community groups. - Evaluate
thebusiness skills of community groups to access and manage loans and
identify any present and potential barriers to accessing finance. - Give
recommendations to enhance access to finance for farmers, especially small
study will involve desk research, interviews, participatory approaches to
gather information from the communities and other appropriate methods that will
be proposed by the consultant to elicit information from different information
study will involve desk research, interviews, participatory approaches to
gather information from the communities and other appropriate methods that will
be proposed by the consultant to elicit information from different information
- An
inception report highlighting understanding of the ToRs for Microfinance
review, proposed methodology and plan of execution including the tools for
data collection and a detailed work plan. - A
draft report according to the ToRs. - A
PowerPoint presentation of the findings to two validation workshops in
Gatsibo and Gicumbi districts. - A
final report (soft and hard copy) incorporating the recommendations from
the validation workshop
- At
least five years’ experience in the Microfinance sector with specific
experience in group based microfinance. - Knowledge
and experience in Microfinance Policy and regulation. - Master’s
degree in a related discipline (Finance, Economics, Banking etc.). - Strong
analytical, research and reporting skills with evidence of undertaking
similar assignments in the past. - Practical
experience in the Rwandan context.
of the Study: 20 Days
of the Study: 20 Days
National and International Consultants should submit technical and financial
proposals to Rwanda@iucn.organd
copy to Valence.Mushimwe@iucn.orgor hard
copies to the IUCN Office, Plot 1003, Ubumwe Cell, African Union Boulevards, Nyarugenge,
Kiyovu (RSSB Building, Tower 2). The deadline for submission is 1st August,
2016 at 17hrs.
National and International Consultants should submit technical and financial
proposals to Rwanda@iucn.organd
copy to Valence.Mushimwe@iucn.orgor hard
copies to the IUCN Office, Plot 1003, Ubumwe Cell, African Union Boulevards, Nyarugenge,
Kiyovu (RSSB Building, Tower 2). The deadline for submission is 1st August,
2016 at 17hrs.