Earning on Bitcoin: Trade Yourself or Use Copy Trading?

In the cryptocurrency market, where the pace of market conditions and volatility are sometimes a blessing and sometimes a curse for a trader, investors are always looking for effective ways to increase profits. One such approach is copy trading, which allows even beginners without any experience to benefit from the experience of professional traders.

Let’s consider what copy trading is, its advantages and disadvantages, and compare it with single trading on the exchange using the example of the leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin.

What is Copy Trading?

Copy Trading is a type of investment when the accounts of users of such a service automatically copy trades made by professional traders on their exchange deposits.

Automatic copying of trades of the master trader is provided by the algorithms of the corresponding exchange if this service is connected. This means that investors can duplicate the strategies of experts without necessarily separately analyzing the market and making their own trading decisions.

This strategy is best suited for beginners who do not have sufficient experience and knowledge in trading, who want to minimize risks and acquire skills with experience.

Advantages of Copy Trading

Access to the experience of professional traders: investors can use the methods of professional traders, which increases the likelihood of profitable trades.

  • Saving time: there is no need to independently study market trends and signals, which is especially important for those who are busy. These investments are passive income.
  • Learning by doing: by watching professionals, beginners get the opportunity to understand the mechanisms in the market, as well as gradually improve their own skills.
  • Diversification of portfolios: when copying trades from different traders, risks are distributed across different approaches.

Limitations of Copy Trading

  • Commission fees: copy trading platforms charge a fee for duplicating trades, which leads to a decrease in overall profit.
  • The risk of choosing an unsuccessful trader: not all specialists guarantee a constant income; mistakes or ineffective strategies lead to losses. The high statistics of a master trader in recent times does not guarantee that he is insured against drawdowns and loss of deposit in the future.
  • Lack of control: the investor does not control the decisions of another person, which may not be very good for those who prefer to manage their investments on their own.

Independent Bitcoin Trading

Independent Bitcoin trading on the exchange requires a deep understanding of the market, knowledge of technical and fundamental analysis, constant monitoring of news, market statistics and events affecting the price of cryptocurrency. This approach provides complete control over investments, but is associated with high risks, especially for new players.

Advantages of Independent Trading

  • Complete control: the investor makes all decisions independently and can instantly react to market changes.
  • No commissions for copying other people’s transactions: there are no additional fees for paying for the services of copy trading platforms.
  • The ability to develop a personal strategy: the trader can modify his strategy in accordance with personal goals and risk tolerance.

Disadvantages of Individual Trading

  • High stress level: Constant market monitoring, risk of losses and making difficult decisions can be mentally draining.
  • Need for deep knowledge: Lack of sufficient experience and knowledge leads to more opportunities for mistakes and losses.
  • Time costs: Market analysis and formulating personal strategies require a lot of time.

Copy Trading Using Bitcoin as an Example

Let’s look at an example of how copy trading works using Bitcoin. Let’s assume that an investor has decided to use the services of a copy trading platform on one of the cryptocurrency exchanges and has chosen a trader working with Bitcoin trading to copy.

After connecting to the strategy of this master trader, all of his Bitcoin trades will be automatically copied to the investor’s account (a deposit reserved for copying the trades of this master trader).

Advantages of this approach

  • Using the experience of a professional: the investor gets access to the strategy and decisions of an experienced trader, which can increase the likelihood of successful Bitcoin trades.
  • Saves time: No need to spend time watching the market and reading the news yourself.

However, there are also dangers:

  • Commission costs: Copy trading platforms may charge a fee for copying trades, which reduces the net profit (but it can still be higher than the profit from independent trading, especially if you are a beginner).
  • Risk of losses: Even experienced traders can make mistakes, and their unsuccessful trades will be reflected in the investor’s account.


Choosing between independent Bitcoin trading or copy trading is a matter of personal preference, knowledge level, and risk tolerance. Copy trading allows you to benefit from the experience of professionals and save time on market analysis, so it will be attractive to both new and active investors. However, do not forget about the fees and the risk of choosing an ineffective trader.

On the other hand, independent trading provides complete control over investments and the independence to develop customized strategies, but requires deep experience, training, and significant time resources.

Ultimately, each investor needs to carefully consider their goals, means, and risk tolerance to choose the most appropriate way to deal with Bitcoin.

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