Definitions of Adolescence in a Societal Context

Most researchers have parsed adolescence into three developmental periods, entailing early adolescence (typically ages 10–13), middle adolescence (ages 14–17), and late adolescence (18 until the early twenties).It is commonly said that adolescence begins in biology and ends in culture, because the transition into
adolescence is marked by the dramatic biological changes of puberty, while the transition to adulthood is less clearly marked. Transitions to adulthood have been defined sociologically in terms of marriage and family formation, completion of education, and entrance into the labor force. As these transitions are occurring at later ages in contemporary society. Experts has proposed that the period between ages 18 and 25 should be treated as a separate developmental period, which he labels emerging adulthood. They also claim that rests on the significant demographic diversity (and instability) of this period, as well as the increases in identity exploration that typically occur at this time. Until recently, however, most of the research on adolescent development has focused on early and middle adolescence, with less research focusing on transitions out of adolescence. Thus, the utility of distinguishing between late adolescence and emerging adulthood remains to be empirically determined. The research on adolescent brain development, which shows that brain maturation, is not complete, and new research demonstrating that mature decision making does not emerge until the middle twenties also has the potential to reshape our definitions of adolescence and the transitions to young adulthood

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