Abt Associates Inc,Entomological Coordinator Jobs in Rwanda

Coordinator, AIRS-Rwanda
USAID-funded Africa Indoor Residual Spraying 2 (AIRS 2) Project supports the
President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), as well as USAID Missions and Bureaus
with malaria programs outside the PMI

focus countries, in planning and
implementing IRS programs with the overall goal of reducing the burden of
malaria in Africa by enhancing USAID’s ability to implement IRS programs on the
ground through cost-effective commodities procurement and logistics systems,
access to technical expertise, and implementation of IRS in countries affected
by malaria.

the supervision of the Rwanda Chief of Party, the Entomological Coordinator
will coordinate and oversee the PMI AIRS Rwanda Project’s key entomological
monitoring activities for IRS.
duties and responsibilities include the following:
  • Undertake
    day-to-day monitoring activities of IRS operations, and support
    counterparts in monitoring activities.
  • Work
    with the Rwanda Bio-Medical Center/Malaria and Other Parasitic Diseases
    Division (RBC/MOPDD) in the implementation of the following set of
    entomological field activities:
    • Establishment
      of sentinel sites in each target district.
    • Pre-
      and post IRS entomological monitoring including pyrethrum spray collections
      and human landing catches.Wall bioassays within 24 to 48 hours after
      spraying in every spray cycle to evaluate the quality of spraying.
    • Wall
      bioassays monthly in selected districts to evaluate the residual efficacy
      of insecticide.
    • Vector
      susceptibility studies annually for all currently used and candidate
      insecticides in order to monitor resistance status.
  • Provide
    guidance and support to a focal counterpart from the MOH/MOPDDor research
    institution for the supervision of district-level field teams of
    entomological technicians or vector control officers who perform mosquito
    collections and tests.
  • Ensure
    that the field teams follow all WHO approved guidelines, protocols, and
    techniques for mosquito collections and tests.
  • Ensure
    that all data from all collection activities are recorded on data entry
    forms, perform mosquito identifications, and undertake data analysis and
    prepare monitoring reports.
  • Implement
    capacity-building efforts to increase and expand the skills of local
    counterparts and field team technicians.
  • Mentor
    and supervise the insectary and animal house technician
  • Provide
    technical assistance to the vector control and entomology laboratory with
    performance of ELISA for mosquito infection and host blood meal analysis;
    PCR id and resistance mechanism as well as LLINs QC 
requirements include the following:
  • Bachelor’s
    Degree in Entomology, Environmental Studies, Biology or other relevant
    field. Possession of a Master’s degree in a relevant field would be ad
    added advantage
  • At
    least two (2) years of relevant professional experience in the
    implementation of vector control and entomological monitoring activitiesis
  • Experience
    in international development programs, preferably at USAID-funded
  • Knowledge
    of quantitative and qualitative research and analytic methodologies.
  • Knowledge
    about malaria prevention programming is very desirable.
  • Fluency
    in French and English.
  • Excellent
    report writing and computer skills.
to Apply:
Candidates who meet the above minimum requirements should submit application
letter and detailed CV with contact information (including telephone &
email) indicating the Title of the position they are applying for to irsprojectrwanda@gmail.com on or before August
15th, 2016
. Canvassing or calling will lead to your automatic
short listed candidates will be contacted.
Associates is an equal opportunity employer and strongly encourages qualified
women to apply for this Position”.

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