Electrons & protons

Electrons:  The behavior of electric circuit is to a very large
extent dependent on the behavior of electrons which are the subatomic particles
which travel in planetary orbits around the nucleus of an atom. From the nature
of the orbital motion of the electrons, some characteristics of the electrons
can be deduced easily.

Characteristics of an electron
electron possesses energy.
appears to possess a mass which is a small fraction of the mass of nucleus
around which it travels.
must be a force of attraction between the electron and the nucleus to keep it
in the curved orbit with which it travels.
For an
electric force of attraction to exist between the electrons and nucleus, the
nucleus must contain particles which possess opposite or unlike charge. These
particles are called protons. The electrons posses a negative electric charge
and protons possess an opposite (positive) electric charge.
charge on a proton is equal in magnitude to that of an electron. The nucleus of
an atom in its normal state contains equal number of protons as electrons.
Consequently, the net charge of an atom at its normal state is zero and the
atom is electrically neutral. However, protons have a mass of 1837 time of the
apparent mass of an electron. The mass of electron is 9.10 x 10 – 31 kg.

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