Manorun Farm ,Organic Farm Internships Jobs in Canada

Position: Organic Farm Internships
Type: internships with housing, education, stipend (see below)
Organization: Manorun Farm
Location: Copetown, near Hamilton, Brantford & Cambridge, Ontario

Manorun Farm is looking for a group of motiva

ted interns to join the
farm for an incredible learning opportunity this summer. Manorun Farm
is an organic 25-acre farm in Copetown that has been growing
delicious, healthy food for the community for over 15 years. We grow a
wide variety of fruits & vegetables, grains, herbs, and livestock. Our
produce is sold primarily through Community Shared Agriculture (CSA),
and farmer’s markets. The past two years have been the beginning of a
new venture for Manorun Farm towards incorporating permaculture into
the farm design.

We offer on-farm and off-farm internships, a dynamic education
program, an intern ‘focus,’ and a small stipend.

Housing: On-farm housing consists of a chalet, outdoor kitchen, and
outhouse with outdoor shower (seasonally). Interns have some meals
with the family and some in the outdoor kitchen. Bathroom facilities
are available in the house during colder parts of the season.

Education: We have 2 off-farm days each month to destinations chosen
by the intern team based on their interests. Examples of trips have
been: outdoor mushroom grower, apiary, sheep shearing, food terminal,
large-scale dairy operations, and more. Every week concludes with a
2-hour classroom style learning based on an organic primer manual. We
consider education to be largely experiential, so the majority of the
learning will be hands-on working alongside farmers. In addition, we
offer an intern focus.

Intern Focus: This is a workday that falls on a Saturday. It is a
self-lead education opportunity that the intern can select in
collaboration with the farmer. Intern and farmer develop an outline of
learning objectives and needed supports from the farm. The farm acts
as infrastructure support for the focus which can include; resources,
tools, transportation, contacts, financing etc. This season we are
offering intern focuses in the following areas: tree and orchard
development, mushroom cultivation, renewable energy, permaculture,
farm business accounting, food preservation, social media, apiculture,
cover crop rotation, art and more!

In Return we ask for your labour. This means a lot of manual work
including planting, harvesting, weeding, daily farm chores and many
other farm support type activities that can include; bringing in the
hay, minor farm construction and special events hosting.

Internships are usually 5 months in length starting early May and
ending in Late October. However, we are able to offer slightly shorter
internships for students returning to school (if available).

Check out our Facebook page for regular updates and great pictures
from last season:

Applicants can send their resumes plus a brief description of your
interest in learning to grow and Manorun farm to:

Naomi Krucker

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