Whitefield Farm ,Diversified Organic Farm Internships Jobs in Canada

Position: Diversified Organic Farm Internships
Type: full-time insternships with room & board, more (see below)
Organization: Whitefield Farm http://www.whitefieldfarm.com
Location: Lucknow, near Goderich/Kincardine/Wingham/Lake Huron, Ontario


Whitefield Farm is a small farm located near Lucknow, Ontario. We are
a 80 acre diversified organic farm, gro

wing 5 acres of vegetables to
supply our 200 share CSA, hay, pasture, and grains for our livestock
(horses, chickens, pigs, turkeys, beef and ducks). Most of our farm
work is done with Norwegian Fjord Horses, and human power.

Come share a summer filled with the joys and adventures of full scale
diverse organic farm through our internship program. Immerse yourself
in farm life and our farm community. If you are looking for an
environment that will present you with new experiences and the chance
to gain farming and life skills, please apply!

Senior Intern:

To apply for this position, you should have at least 1 full season’s
experience on another vegetable farm and a serious interest in
continuing to explore a future in farming. The senior intern will be
given more advanced responsibilities and educational opportunities. In
particular, the senior intern will have the opportunity to take on
some significant field and volunteer management responsibilities, with
the option of negotiating an individual project if desired.

Novice Intern:

No prior experience required, but must have a keen interest in
experiencing a full season immersed in the hard work of organic
farming. We may consider short-season or part-time applicants, but
full-time, full-season applicants are preferred.

Season Length, Housing & Food

Both internships will run from May 1-Nov 1 (with flexibility). Interns
will be provided with room & board which includes private
sleeping/lounge area with shared kitchen & bathroom.


To apply, please e-mail your resume and a brief covering letter to:
with subject line: internship 2015

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