Coordinator Communications Jobs in Canada

Location: 99 Regina
St. S., Waterloo/150 Main St., Cambridge

Description of Duties:
As the communications resource for the department, advises on best practices;
develops and implements internal and external communications strategies;
coordinates key messages and initiatives across the department; acts as website
content manager; and trains all levels of departmental staff in same.

Knowledge, Skills & Abilities Required:
# Knowledge of communications techniques, strategies, systems and processes;
social marketing; public communications; public speaking, media relations;
conceptual design; Canadian Press Standards; and clear language principles,
acquired through a 3-year university degree/college diploma in a related field
(e.g., Communications, Public Relations) plus 2 years of related
# Knowledge of the department, its organizational structure, programs and
services, and related legislation.
# Analytical, research, and organizational skills to coordinate projects; apply
standards and policies to own and others’ work; and work independently or on a
team to complete projects and manage competing demands.
# Communication and presentation skills to respond to inquiries and requests,
sometimes involving politically sensitive issues; provide advice/training to
staff regarding communications; influence others to adhere to corporate and
departmental communications standards; and participate as an effective team
# Computer skills using software such as Microsoft Office; the
Internet/Intranet; desktop publishing software; and social media (e.g.,
Twitter, Facebook).
# Ability to read, interpret, and summarize media accounts, newsletters,
journals, training manuals, reports, and legislation.
# Ability to compose and edit news releases, newspaper and magazine articles,
letters, and brochures, using creative and interpretive writing skills; and
develop and modify communications according to audience.
# Ability to prepare and conduct presentations and training sessions for staff;
and explain policies, procedures, and initiatives to staff, media, and the
# Ability to develop buy-in, using persuasion, motivational, and language skill
to influence behaviour change; educate internal and external stakeholders; and
promote the department’s initiatives, services, and programs to a diverse
# Ability to travel to locations within and occasionally outside Waterloo
# Ability to support and project values compatible with the organization.

Date Posted: Fri, Mar 27 2015
Employer Location: Kitchener
How to Apply: 

Please apply online, before 11:59 PM on Apr 02, 2015 quoting competition number
2015-1248, or send your resume to: The Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Human
Resources, 150 Frederick Street, 3rd Floor, Kitchener, ON N2G 4J3.…

We thank all applicants in advance; however, we will be corresponding only with
those selected for an interview.

Alternate formats of this document are available upon request. Please contact
Human Resources & Citizen Service Reception at phone number (519-575-4757
ext.3527), TTY number (519-575-4608) to request an alternate format.

The Region of Waterloo is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity
and inclusion. We encourage qualified applicants to apply and will accommodate
the needs of qualified applicants under the Human Rights Code in all parts of
the hiring process. 

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