Things to know before getting an IVF Treatment

When contemplating the use of in vitro fertilization (IVF) to address fertility challenges, it is essential to gather knowledge and get ready for the path ahead. IVF involves several stages and provides optimism for numerous individuals and couples confronting infertility.

Prior to commencing your IVF treatment, here are some vital facts to be aware of:

  1. Common Uses of IVF: IVF is commonly used to address fertility challenges in older women, those with damaged or blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, and male infertility due to low sperm count or blockages.
  1. The IVF Process: IVF involves several key steps, including:

– Superovulation: Stimulation of egg production with fertility drugs.

– Egg retrieval: Surgical removal of eggs from the ovaries.

– Sperm collection: Obtaining a sperm sample, either from the partner or a donor.

– Insemination: Fertilizing eggs with sperm, either naturally or through intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

– Embryo transfer: Placing the resulting embryos into the uterus.

  1. Timing and Patience: IVF is a time-consuming process that requires meticulous timing. From the initial medication cycle to the pregnancy test, the entire journey can take several weeks. It’s crucial to remain patient and calm throughout the process.
  1. Financial Considerations: IVF can be a significant financial investment. The costs may go beyond the cycle price, including medication, additional procedures, and fees. Be sure to discuss these expenses with your chosen fertility clinic. On an average, the IVF cost in India ranges around 90,000 to 2,00,000 rupees.
  1. Age Matters: Age plays a crucial role in IVF success. Female fertility declines with age due to a reduction in the number and quality of eggs, making it important to start treatment sooner rather than later. Male fertility also declines over time.
  1. No Certainties: IVF is not a surefire fix. Despite being a highly effective fertility procedure, it doesn’t guarantee a successful pregnancy. Success rates can fluctuate depending on individual situations and other variables.
  1. Higher Chances of Multiple Pregnancies: IVF raises the odds of having multiple pregnancies, particularly if more than one embryo is implanted. Discuss your concerns with your specialist to balance the chances of success with the risks associated with multiple gestation.
  1. Possible Need for Multiple Cycles: It’s common for individuals to undergo multiple IVF cycles before achieving a successful pregnancy. Success rates are continually improving, but the outcome depends on various factors.
  1. Frozen Embryos: Recent studies indicate that frozen eggs and embryos are just as viable as fresh ones. Freezing embryos is often more stable and reliable than freezing eggs.


IVF is a powerful fertility treatment option that has brought hope to countless individuals and couples facing infertility. It’s essential to be well-prepared, patient, and well-informed before embarking on this journey.

Ortil Healthcare has supported numerous couples in realizing their dream of parenthood by collaborating with a range of expert clinics and hospitals, ensuring that individuals receive the medical services best tailored to their requirements. If you or someone you know is seeking assistance on their journey to parenthood, visit Ortil Healthcare today to explore how they can help you achieve your dreams

Photo Credit: Gestational Surrogacy India

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