Factors influencing the health of older persons

The mind and body do change over time and things don’t always work as they should. But much of this can be prevented by following a healthy lifestyle. It is true in that it is never too late to start being healthy but it does help if an older person have been fit and healthy for most of their life. However, if they have always been careful about what they eat and taken exercise then this will slow down the rate at which they age.

Mental ‘fitness’ is as equally important as physical fitness. Our mental functions start to decline as we age which results in short term memory loss, forgetfulness and a lack of concentration. It can be harder to learn new skills and this may lead to a lack of confidence.

Healthy lifestyle tips

Here are a few ways of ensuring a healthy old age:

  • Stop smoking
  • Moderate alcohol consumption
  • Take exercise
  • Healthy diet
  • Stay mentally active
  • Socialise with others
  • Get out in the fresh air
  • Make sure that your home is safe
  • Positive thinking

Financial status

The inability to afford some necessities such as food and medication is a factor that makes it difficult to get adequate nutrition and health care for an older person. Money budgeted for food and medications may be diverted to other utilities such as housing which in turn affects the health status of an older person.

Social support

Older people who maintain social contact, whether it be with a spouse, with friends, or through outside interests, have fewer health problems. For example, older people who are married or who live with a roommate tend to be in better health than those who live alone. Older people who live with someone also have lower rates of hospitalization and nursing home admissions than those who live alone.

When older people live alone, new problems and symptoms may not be reported because no one notices. These older people may have no one to help them take their drugs as instructed. They may not prepare and eat balanced meals because physical impairments interfere, because they are lonely, or because they cannot drive or walk to a grocery store. Also, older people living alone are more likely to be lonely and depressed.

Occasionally, living with a relative or another person causes problems. Older people may conceal or minimize health problems because they do not want to impose on or inconvenience the relative. If any member of the household is not pleased with the living arrangement, older people may be neglected or mistreated (psychologically or even physically).

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