Media House to Produce 3 Prerecorded Radio Programs on Reconciliation and Reintegration in Rwanda

of Reference for the Recruitment of a Media House to produce 3 PRERECORDED
RADIO PROGRAMS ON Reconciliation and Reintegration in Rwanda
International Alert is a 30-year old
independent peacebuilding organisation. We work with people who are directly
affected by violent conflict to improve their prospects of peace. And we seek

to influence the policies and ways of working of governments, international
organisations and agencies, business firms and economical actors, to reduce
conflict risk and increase the prospects of peace. We work in Africa, in
several parts of Asia, South Caucasus, and Middle East and in Latin America and
have recently started work in UK. Our policy work focuses on several key themes
that influence prospects for peace and security:

  • Economic
    issues and sustainable development,
  • Climate
    change and environmental protection,
  • Gender,
  • Role
    of international institutions, and impact of development aid,
  • Governance
    and accountability.
International Alert is implementing
“The Reconciliation and Reintegration Project (RRP)” in Rwanda in partnership
TWESE HAMWE, and ARCT-RUHUKA, in three districts of Gasabo (Kimironko and
Kinyinya Sectors), Ngororero (Gatumba and Nyange sectors), and Gisagara
(Mukindo, Kigembe, Muganza and Save.
The Reconciliation and Reintegration
Project (RRP) was designed to foster reconciliation by promoting understanding,
tolerance, and mutual support among communities divided by Rwanda’s
ethnic-based violent conflicts which, culminated to genocide against Tutsi in
The project intends to reach four
objectives as follow: 
  • Objective1: Safe
    spaces for exchange and dialogue in communities and schools are
    strengthened in 8 sectors;
  • Objective
    Capacity of target groups to effectively manage their psychosocial
    injuries is increased;
  • Objective
    capacity  and opportunities  for those most affected by the
    Genocide and its consequencies are strengthened;
  • Objective
     authorities and policy makers  understood current conflict
    dynamics  and are equipped to support peace in Rwanda  
  1. Objectives
The overall objective of the assignment
is to collect evidenced based stories, achievements and community initiatives
from facilitators, beneficiaries, communities of operations and local
administration which International Alert is serving in collaboration with its
partners. This will be done in the form of a prerecord radio program on key
project achievements, and reconciliation and reintegration issues that remain
unresolved at sector and district levels.
The specific objectives include:
  • To
    collect evidence from Gasabo, Ngororero, and Gisagara districts, in the
    form of testimonies, on key project achievements (changes made at community
    and individual levels), highlighting people’s perceptions on
    reconciliation and Reintegration, participation to policy influencing,
    actors involved and their roles, as well as lessons learned on dialogue
    processes and their contribution to conflict prevention and peacebuilding
    both at individual and at national levels.
2. Deliverables
A 15-minutes Pre-recorded radio program
in Kinyarwanda; which addresses the objectives highlighted in the previous
section; edited and made ready to be aired at any radio station
Geographical area to be covered
Gasabo, Gisagara,  and Ngororero
districts. The consultant will liaise with the International Alert’s Senior
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer to identify key project actors that will be
involved in the records.
Target groups
The pre-recorded radio recordings will
involve project beneficiary at community level (the population, Members of
DCPs, facilitators, etc) and local leaders (sector and district leaders)
Specific work
  • To
    develop the editorial line (interview guides, issues to focus on, actors
    to interview, and key scenario for data collection, etc)
  • To
    select participants for the radio captions in collaboration with the
    Project facilitators
  • To
    record the evidence on a 15-minutes CD, edit it and make it ready to be
    aired at any radio station
  • To
    present the CD to project focal points and Alert’s staff for approval and
  • To
    include attractive soundtrack that makes the CD easy to listen to and
    linked to reconciliation and peace building work
  • To
    multiply the CD (at least five copies per radio program) 
This assignment is under International
Alert responsibility. However, implementing partners will be closely consulted
in the process of selecting participants, key messages, and providing inputs on
the draft.  
5. Start date &
period of implementation
The intended start date is 15.02.2016
and the period of implementation of the contract will be 7 calendar days from
this date; divided as follow:
  • One
    day to develop the editorial line
  • 3
    days of field visit for data collection
  • 1
    days of studio work
  • 1
    days of internal validation and collection of inputs
  • 1
    day of final production of CDs and delivering them to Alert 
  1. Ethics
    and data protection
The Consultant acknowledges and agrees that
all work produced by/under this Contract, including but not limited to
data, materials, writings, reports, outlines, drafts, any other materials
or deliverables, in any medium (the “Work Product”) is the sole and exclusive
property of International Alert.
The media consultant agrees that he
will not publish, have published or otherwise publicly share or disseminate
Work Product except as may be approved by International Alert. 
  1. Selection
This is an open tender and the
selection will based on merit; hence the consultants are requested to submit
both technical and financial proposal. The selection committee will consider
the media house to be offered the contract based on the following criteria:
  • Financial
    offer: 10 points
  • Previous
    experience in similar assignment: 10 points
  • Immediate
    availability: 10 points
  • Sample
    Radio programme produced by the consultant: 10 points
  • Previous
    experience International Alert’s projects: 10 points
Total: 50 points
  1. Payment
    Terms and conditions
Advance of 30% after signing the contract,
70% after delivery of the final work. However, International Alert will provide
accommodation, transport and perdiems to the consultant, according to
International Alert rules and regulations regarding perdiems and field work. 
  1. Notes:
    Other requirements
  • Documentation
    of previous experience in Radio programme production will be essential at
    the stage of proposal evaluation. Submissions should include examples of
    radio programme of similar programmes, a history of the company and its
    principals and client list.
  • The
    bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission
    of the bid.
Alert will in no case be responsible or
liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
Responses to this bid must be submitted
to Alert by no later than:
Date: 15 February 2016
Time: 3H00 PM
Address: International Alert Rwanda
Country Office; KG684 ST, Plot number: 50; Kacyiru Sector
A response to this RFB shall be late if
it is received by Alert at any time after the closing date and time indicated
in Paragraph above.
A late submission shall be clearly
marked as late and shall not be admitted for consideration by the Alert.

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