Voucher Examiner – Lilongwe – DAI
Must have excellent
organizational and interpersonal skills required to sufficiently interact and
conduct level interviews with staff of different cadres working on the INV
project both at the central office and in the implementing districts for
purpose of seeking additional information required for documentations not
compliance to financial requirements
Must hold a minimum of Diploma in
Accounting, Finance, Auditing or Business Administration with proven track
record of relevant experience of at least 3 yrs in a similar or related field,
Experience working in NGOs funded by the USAID will be an added advantage
Please send CV with traceable
refs, copies of certificate and cover letter to INVC_HR@dai.com not
later than 5 pm Monday 20 February, Please include title of position being
applied for on the subject line of the application, Only qualified candidates
will be contacted