DAI USAID ,GIS-M&E Coordinator Jobs in Malawi

GIS-M&E Coordinator –
Lilongwe – DAI

Determine the criteria to be used
for the integration of indicator data with GIS, develop the methodology for
geo-referencing data to be collected, Train partners and project staff in the
use of GPS, In collaboration with technical staff identify the key geospatial
questions to be explored and documented, Set up a GIS database system capable
of managing geo-referenced data from the sites of project activities and
produce periodic

maps for quarterly and annual reporting that visually present
progress being made toward the achievement of indicators, Assist with the
geo-locating of project beneficiaries, their disaggregation by gender, and
project activity, Develop maps with overlays indicating the project Zone or
influence, partner intervention areas, collaboration with other projects etc,
Assist in developing tools and products which will facilitate communications
and reporting

University Degree in Agronomy,
Geography, Natural Resources Management, Hands on GIS training, Immediate
Availability, Previous experience training others in use of GPS, Excellent
analytical ability, Team Player, Excellent communication and rural animation
skills, Experience with plotters, digitisers, color printer and video cameras
desired, Working knowledge of Arc/ArcGIS, Spatial Analysis, SPSS, Microsoft
Office, including Excel and Power Point, previous experience programming in MS
Access will be a plus, Minimum of 3 yrs of operational GIS mapping experience

Please send CV with traceable
refs, copies of certificate and cover letter to INVC_HR@dai.com  not later
than 5 pm Monday 20 February, Please include title of position being applied
for on the subject line of the application, Only qualified candidates will be

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