Kanye West Wholeheartedly Approves of Kim Kardashian’s Sexy Swimsuit Selfie


For a while there, it seemed like maybe Kim Kardashian was starting to retreat
from the spotlight that has followed her and her family for the past several
years. After the birth of her daughter North West earlier this year, Kim spent
several weeks out of public view — quite the feat, considering how many
paparazzi were hunting for the first pictures of her “post-baby body”
(sigh). She also limited for online social actions to just a few posts here and
there, and developed a cynical attitude towards the photographers who were once
integral to building her brand.

But then she posted a swimsuit selfie, and made it clear that she’s not
shrinking away from fame.

Kim didn’t bother to give the picture a caption, writing only
“#NoFilter.” But the picture needed no caption, because holy heck.

Naturally, Kanye West had the best reaction OF ALL TIME:

The selfie comes on the heels of some sad news for the couple: Ms. Kardashian
is still not eligible for a star on the Walk of Fame, despite her baby daddy’s
impassioned words on the matter during last week’s appearance on Jimmy
Kimmel Live
. She needs to win a Grammy, Emmy, or Oscar first. The obvious
solution: Kanye should invite Kim to guest on his next big single, and then
they can win a Grammy together.

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