Initial Results from the Analysis for Ranking of Suicide Bomber Recruitment

Using  publicly  available  biographical  information  on  55 Hamas suicide attacks from 2001-2004, the first round of data has been acquired and completed.  In analyzing the internal  model,  all  components  were  found 

to  be  within acceptable  ranges  for  individual  item  reliability,  internal consistency and discriminate validity.

In the external model, with a total R2 contribution of 0.43,  the  four  factors  found  most  important  in  the recruitment of suicide bombers are:
1.   Religious influences and justification  R2 = 0.177
2.   Individual frustration/aggression drives  R2 = 0.114
3.   Individual economic and employment  R2 = 0.071
4.   Political motivations and pressures  R2 = 0.048
While the total value of R2 = 0.43 is disappointing from an engineering perspective, it is acceptable from a social science perspective, and still represents 66% explanatory power.
This model suggests that religion, individual frustration, individual  economics  and  political  motivations  are  the largest recruitment factors of suicide terror, which further suggest that they are the most important motivating factors.  A policy maker could decide on this basis to emphasize policies  which  promote  moderate  Islamic  clerics,  offer alternative  and  more  constructive  outlets  for  individual frustrations, and push towards a long-term political solution to the conflict.  In contrast, policies whose motivating factor did not score as highly, such as attempting to dismantle the terrorist social network, or externally influencing Palestinian society to be less praiseful of suicide attackers, might be reconsidered as ineffectual in preventing suicide attacks.
Similarly,  this  analysis  could  be  used  to  better understand existing policies.  For example, the Israeli policy of  targeted  leader  assassination  is  aimed  primarily  at dismantling  the  terrorist  organizational  structure.    These results found that the terrorist network is a relatively minor contributor  to  suicide  attacks.    As  such,  while  the assassination policy may be continued, policy-makers might understand  more  clearly  the  minimal  impact  it  seems  to have on suicide attacks.

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