The Entente Cordiale Scholarships are prestigious awards that fund French postgraduate students who wish to study in the UK, and British students who wish to study in France. The scheme provides a total of 20 scholarships each year.
We are committed to a policy of Equal Opportunities and Diversity and welcome applications from ambitious, high-achieving students of all backgrounds and disciplines who meet the selection criteria and feel they can make a meaningful contribution towards the Franco-British relationship.
The information that follows applies to French candidates only, British candidates should apply via the French Embassy in London (T: + 44 (0)20 7073 1312) Applications are now being invited for the academic year 2012-2013, and you can find the application form to download at the bottom of this page.
The deadline for applications is Friday 27 April 2012. No applications will be considered after this date, and we never award scholarships retroactively.
Are you about to enrol on a Masters or a PhD in the UK and want help to fund your studies? If you are 35 or under and have a clear idea of your professional goals, why not develop your career and become part of an influential alumni network?
What is an Entente Cordiale Scholarship?
An Entente Cordiale scholarship can help you fund one year of postgraduate study in a British university, whether at Masters or doctoral level. The scheme is entirely funded by the private sector; current sponsors include Areva, Rolls Royce, EDF Energy, Schlumberger, Dassault, Rothchild & Cie.
The maximum amount offered for a scholarship is £10 000, which is paid directly to the scholar and can be used as a contribution to tuition fees or living expenses during your year in the UK. We try to award a range of scholarships in different disciplines, in order to preserve the unique diversity of the scheme and its alumni network. Entente Cordiale Alumni work across all sectors of professional activity, from business and industry, to the arts, to research, to government, to civil society.
What courses does the scholarship cover?
The scholarship can fund Master’s courses, running over a period of twelve months, or one year of a PhD programme. The scholarship is for one year only and is not renewable.
Notice: Entente Cordiale scholarships are not aimed at students who are undertaking a co-tutelle de thèse or a PCGE course, or who are participating in an ERASMUS exchange, for which alternative funding sources normally exist. Our scholarships are also not aimed at students or reseachers wishing to carry out a period of research in the UK as part of their French doctorate, nor are they available to undergraduate students.
What sort of profile do successful candidates have?
One of the main aims of the scheme is to assist successful candidates in playing leading roles in the future of their country. French Entente Cordiale Alumni are now pursuing careers in diverse fields such as the World Health Organisation, various Ministries and local government. Many former scholars go on to work in the private sector, in banking, law firms and consultancy; others are active in journalism, curating, design and film-making.
The selection criteria include the following and will be assessed both in application and at interview:
excellent presentation and communication skills in English and French
evidence of motivation and initiative
clear professional ambitions with ability to innovate in your field
ability to cope with problems and take responsibility
willingness to participate and contribute to an alumni network
ability to reinforce and develop Franco-British links in your sector
Can I apply?
You must fulfil all the criteria below to be eligible:
As the scheme is Franco-British you’ll be expected to be of French nationality OR (if you do not have French nationality) to have completed your higher education in France from baccalauréat level to bac+3
You must have good English language skills (most UK Higher Education institutions require a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 for admission onto postgraduate courses)
You must be intending to undertake one year of study or research in the UK that will not contribute to a French doctorate (co-tutelle)
You will need an excellent track record illustrating your achievements, both academically and otherwise, and evidence that you will become a leader in your chosen field
As the scheme is aimed at young professionals at the beginning of their career, you must not be over 35 years old when you apply
How do I apply?
You will need to submit the following documents to us:
completed application form
supporting letters from two referees
photocopies of academic certificates
transcript/record of exams that you have passed
Below is an indication of the annual timetable for the Entente Cordiale scholarships application and selection process.
December Application forms available for the upcoming academic year
27 April Deadline for receipt of applications – applications received after this date will not be considered
April / May Short-listing
Mid-May Candidates informed whether or not they have been selected for interview
End May/early June Interviews in Paris
June Candidates informed whether or not they have been selected for an Entente Cordiale scholarship
If you have further questions about the Entente Cordiale scholarships please consult our frequently asked questions. If you need to you can contact us at