Two Lessons To Learn From Life’s Storm

One day, Jesus told his disciples that they should cross to the other side. On their journey, there was a great windstorm and the wave bit into the boat they were travelling in. To the level that it was already filling and about to wreck. But He was in the stern, sleeping in a pillow. They woke Him up and said to Him, ‘Teacher do you not care that we were perishing? Then he rose and rebuke the wind and the wind ceased and there was a great calm. And he said to his disciple, ‘Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?’
There are two lessons we have to learn from this story;

1. You must trust what God has told you. When Jesus told hid disciples to cross to the other side, there was no wind big enough to stop them. The same applies to you. No matter how threatening the situation has been, what the Lord has told you will come to pass. Just pitch your tent with him. Standing on that won’t stop you from getting scared or soaked, but it will keep you from sinking.

2. You must constantly remind yourself that He is in the boat with you. He can calm or prevent the storms of life. So when He allows you to go through the storm, He is demonstrating to you that there is no problem He cannot solve. Although there are situations that shows that you are powerless, He is ever powerful. Just hold on to Him and He will carry you through all the storms of life.

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