What do you do when your Air conditioner Blows Warm air?

An air conditioner that blows hot air can turn a cooling haven into an oven within a short period. This is undoubtedly a challenging condition that several homeowners come across.

A professional will be required to help you understand why your air conditioner is not functioning appropriately. This can happen for multiple reasons, from basic adjustment settings to intricate mechanical issues. A professional’s expertise can avoid further problems in understanding why your ac not working properly.

1. Dirty Air Filters: A Simple Culprit

Dirty or blocked filters are one of the most straightforward reasons for warm air. For the most part, dust particles accumulate within the filters which lead to restricted airflow. Because of this, the AC is unable to cool the room effectively and if measures are not taken to increase airflow, the system fails to work optimally.

Instead, the result will be hot air. Filters must be cleaned and replaced periodically, or the air passages will be obstructed. If you don’t know how to clean or replace them, visit https://www.lsairconservicing.sg/ for professional advice on air conditioning.

2. Refrigeration Levels Not At Full Capacity

The refrigerant works just like gas for your car. It allows your AC unit to function correctly by soaking up all the extra heat in your house and removing it outside. If your AC is on and still blowing warm air, check if there is any leakage or if it was charged correctly.

Symptoms Suggesting Low Refrigerants:

  • The evaporator coils are covered in ice: This case happens because of insufficient refrigerant quantity in the coil, meaning heat cannot be absorbed.
  • Popping or sizzling sound: The escape of the refrigerant through the lines causes a constant popping or hissing sound.
  • Solutions: All of the problems mentioned above require the supervision of AC professionals. They will identify leaks, recharge the refrigerant, and fix the system so that it pumps cool air. Always make sure to consult professionals for hard-to-reach areas in your AC system.

3. Issues with the Thermostat 

Some air conditioning system problems are usually attributed to the thermostat. A wrongly set thermostat will cause cool air to be thrust out due to an ineffective spell reading. The thermostat’s proper settings must also be checked. The cooling mode and desired temperature must be enabled.

4. Closed or blocked vents

Closed or blocked vents of any air conditioner hamper the internal cooling process. Chances are high that a set of curtains, furniture, or even dust blocks or vents reduce airflow. Remove any obstruction that might be preventing the airflow.

5. Frozen evaporator coil

A frozen evaporator coil can also be why your air conditioner is blowing warm air. When the coils get covered in ice, the coil refilling unit becomes insufficiently heated, freezing other components. Change the air filter if you haven’t checked it in a while. An HVAC professional must be consulted if the problem is still recurring.

6. Disruption in the Operability of the Compressor

As with any other sophisticated system, the failure of AC components will lead to an overall deterioration of the system’s performance. When the AC compressor does not respond on demand, the direct impact will be noticed on the overall cooling efficiency. If any of the parts above or the replenishment unit of the condenser is not working properly, any heating or cooling will not be done optimally.

Signs of a damaged compressor:

  • Absence of Cooling: This means that when the compressor fails, it cannot cool the air as required, leading to warm air being emitted instead.
  • Loud: A broken compressor tends to be excessively loud. It can produce buzzing sounds.
  • AC Unit Not Functioning: If the unit does not turn on, this signifies the total breakdown due to the compressor malfunction.

7. Mechanical Issues

The AC unit can fail due to impaired circuits, and broken components tend to overheat the house. Inspect your circuit breakers to see if any circuits are blown. An HVAC service technician is best equipped to find and fix those issues.

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