Sample Daily Menu for Pregnant Vegetarians

Though your nutritional needs increase now that you’re pregnant, your pregnancy vegetarian diet shouldn’t have to change all that much. With some careful planning to ensure your caloric, vitamin, and mineral needs are met, you can still enjoy a rich variety of nutrient-dense delicious foods and help give your baby a nutritious
jump-start. Consider the following daily menu for ideas and inspiration.

1/2 cup oatmeal with maple syrup
1 slice whole wheat toast with fruit spread
1 cup soy milk
1/2 cup calcium and vitamin D fortified orange juice

1/2 whole wheat bagel with margarine

Veggie burger on whole wheat bun with mustard and catsup
1 cup steamed collard greens
Medium apple
1 cup soy milk

3/4 cup ready-to- eat cereal with 1/2 cup blueberries
1 cup soy milk

3/4 cup tofu stir – fried with 1 cup vegetables
1 cup brown rice
Medium orange

Whole grain crackers with 2 Tbsp peanut butter
4 ounces apple juice

If morning sickness is giving you fit during your pregnancy, try eating low fat, high carbohydrate nutrient-dense foods. These are digested more quickly and stay in the stomach for less time giving less time for queasiness. Remember to eat often. Sometimes nausea is really hunger in disguise.

Be sure to drink juice, water, or soy milk if you can’t eat solid food. Keep trying to eat whatever you can. If you’re unable to eat or drink the appropriate amounts of foods or fluids for 24 hours or more, get in touch with your healthcare provider.

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