The Atonement

morning beloved brothers and sisters. I am here to give a talk on Atonement.
76:41-42 stated that our Saviour Jesus Christ came into the world to be
crucified for the world, to bear the sins of the world, to sanctify the world
and to cleanse it from all unrighteousness, that through him all mankind might
be saved. This great sacrifice made by Our Saviour by paying for our sins for
us to overcome death is called Atonement.

is the most important event that has ever occurred in the history of mankind.
Our Heavenly Father in His Great Plan for us to return to Him gave His Son
Jesus Christ to pay for our sins in order for us to be fit to stand before our
ever Holy Heavenly Father. Alma 34:9 stated that for it is expedient that an
atonement should be made, for according to the Great Plan of the Eternal God
there must be an atonement made or else all mankind must unavoidably perish;
yea all are hardened, yea all are fallen and are lost, and must perish except
it be through the atonement which is expedient should be made.
Why was the atonement
is recorded in 2 Nephi 9:7-9 that the fall of Adam brought two kinds of death
into the world-the physical death and spiritual death. The physical death
separates the body and the spirit while the spiritual death is a separation
from God. Without the atonement by Jesus Christ, man would have faced two
consequences; our bodies and spirit would have been separated forever and would
not have lived again with our heavenly father.
our Heavenly Father loves us so much and in His wisdom prepared a wonderful and
merciful plan to save us from the physical and spiritual death through the
atonement by giving His beloved Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins because
we could not save ourselves because of our sins and weakness of our mortal
Reasons why Jesus was the
only one to atone for our sins
may wonder why Jesus was the only person who could be our saviour. One of the
reasons is that God, Our Heavenly Father chose Him to be our saviour. He was
the only begotten son of God and thus has power over death. Jesus explained in
John 10:17-18 that He laid down His life that he might take it again. That no
man took it from Him but he laid it down by Himself. He has the power to lay it
down and also the power to take it again.
second reason which qualified Jesus to be our Saviour is that He is the only
person who had ever lived on the earth who did not sin. That made Him a worthy
sacrifice to pay for the sins of others.
How and when did Jesus
atone for our sins?
now perhaps there are some people here who are wondering how and when Jesus
atoned for our sins. Jesus atoned for our sins by His suffering in Gethsemane
and by giving His life for us on the cross.
19:18-19 described how Jesus suffered at the Garden of Gethsemane by saying
that because of the weight of the sins of mankind, he was agonised that He bled
from every pore of His body. After that He hung on the cross and suffered a
painful death for us. In John 3:16, the atoning sacrifice was described thus;
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever
believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
The importance of the
atonement to mankind
On the third day after His crucifixion Christ
resurrected. His spirit reentered His body never to be separated again. This
symbolised that Jesus Christ had overcome physical death. So because of this atonement,
everyone born on this earth would be resurrected. Our spirit will be reunited
with our bodies never to be divided. Every one of us, both old and young, male
and female, wicked and righteous. With this, mankind will overcome physical
The atonement makes it possible for us to overcome
spiritual death. Article of Faith 3 stated that although everybody will be
resurrected, only those who accept the atonement will be saved from spiritual
How can we accept the
can accept Christ’s atonement by placing our faith in Him. Through this faith
we repent of our sins, we are baptised, we receive the Holy Ghost and obey His
commandments. Through this faith we become faithful disciples of Jesus Christ,
we are forgiven and cleansed from our sins and we are prepared to live with our
Heavenly Father.
brother and sisters, I testify to you that I know that these words I have
spoken to you today are true. That if we accept the atonement, we shall
overcome physical and spiritual death and on the last day we shall be
resurrected and we shall live with Our Heavenly Father forever. I know of all
these to be true and I leave them with you in the name of our Saviour Jesus
Christ, Amen
talk on Atonement by Akpeli Othuke Andrew on 22nd January, 2017 at
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ughelli Ward II  

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