Request for Proposals: RFP Audio Visual Documentarian AVD

Request for Proposals (RFP): Audio
Visual Documentarian (AVD)
The University of Global Health Equity
(UGHE) seeks to contractually engage an Audio Visual Documentarian (AVD) for
longitudinal documentation of the Master of Science in Global Health Delivery
(MGHD), including storytelling and program promotion content.

UGHE will temporarily and contractually
engage an AVD (person or team) to serve as the public facing storytelling
mouthpiece as UGHE launches its inaugural MGHD. The AVD will longitudinally
capture the inaugural cohort’s pathway highlighting the academic, co-circular,
and professional experiences inside and outside of the classroom. Faculty and
staff, local and global leaders, employers, and donors will play supporting
roles in articulating the rich MGHD experience and the impact that this
specialized training will have in Rwanda, the region, and the world.
Over the past decade there has been
significant advancement in the field of global health, worldwide investment in
combating public health problems and advancing scientific discoveries. However,
these advancements must all be complemented by effective delivery systems,
requiring clinical, public health, and managerial knowledge, as well as an
understanding of social forces, the ability to marshal political will, and the
capacity to manage and refine dynamic, multifaceted operations.
For nearly 30 years, Partners in Health
(PIH) (
has focused on delivering high-quality health care and social services in some
of the world’s poorest communities. By partnering with governments to
strengthen public health systems, collaborating with communities to design and
to deliver sustainable programs, and working with leading academic institutions
to disseminate knowledge, PIH has emerged as a leader in global health care
delivery. In recent years, PIH and its academic partners at Harvard Medical
School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital have endeavored to establish an
intellectual framework for this emerging field, creating training and research
programs that are informed by implementation.
Nowhere has the impact of this approach
— linking effective delivery systems to an equity agenda — been as profound as
in Rwanda. Over the last decade, Rwanda has achieved the most dramatic gains in
improved population health and poverty reduction in the world. Rwanda’s health
sector has developed a reputation for innovation and a strong brand in global
health delivery.
The confluence of these advancements in
implementation, research, and education led to the conception of a new type of
university, one that is rooted in the principle of equity and that seeks to
advance the science of health care delivery. These factors have required
rethinking every aspect of a university – from the content of its curriculum,
to its research priorities, to the location and design of its campus.
UGHE, a groundbreaking health Sciences
University in Rwanda designed to train global leaders to deliver high-quality
health care, will exemplify these innovative teaching and learning ideals.
Owned and operated by Partners in Health, UGHE is a private institution that
will leverage expertise and resources from the Government of Rwanda, Harvard
Medical School, and key partners to create a global forum for delivery-focused
teaching, research, clinical care, and implementation. Classes will be taught
by international and local experts, including Harvard Medical School faculty,
all of whom are instrumental in leading the transformation of health care
The MGHD, the University’s flagship
program, will provide a one-of-a-kind learning experience fundamentally rooted
in the principles of global health, One Health, epidemiology, global health
policy, management, finance, and leadership. Students will have diverse
opportunities to connect and work with global health colleagues and peers. The
program enables working professionals to leverage academic resources rooted in
implementation science to solve complex global health challenges in their
current professions and position them to advance as Rwanda’s most well-trained
leaders, skilled in multifaceted and evidence-based approaches to improve the
future of Rwanda, the region, and the world.
Target audience
The desired materials would primarily
target an international community of supporters, the media,
and prospective students, and aim to
respond to the following questions:
  1. By
    supporting UGHE and the MGHD financially, what extraordinary program am I
    making possible?
  2. How
    is UGHE/MGHD a special, unique, and unmatched experience?
  3. What
    will the MGHD program do for me as a student and as a graduate?
  4. How
    do I apply? What is UGHE looking for in a candidate? What occurs during
    the 2 years of the program? What are my professional opportunities after I
    complete the MGHD?
  5. Who
    is currently in the program?
Desired audience response
Donors: I/we should financially support
the MGHD. My/our financial support will directly improve the future of global
health care delivery as my resources will be used to innovatively train human
resources (i.e. MGHD students) and develop their leadership potential. I/we
should also tell friends and colleagues about the MGHD.
Prospective students: I should apply to
the MGHD because it is the best program in global health delivery in Rwanda and
in the region. It is on par with its global peers. If I’m accepted, I will
become an international global health care delivery leader.
The audio visual materials should
communicate the following: The MGHD is prestigious and globally critical, it’s
not the same as a Master of Science in Global Health nor a Master of Science in
Public Health nor an MBA. Watching the materials, a viewer will feel inspired,
captivated and compelled by an equity agenda and not ivory tower ethos; believe
that UGHE is serious about health care delivery and a key player among
historical peers doing this work. In addition to being a peer, UGHE is setting
a new paradigm for global health delivery training and thus UGHE is an
innovative leader in its approach to education and training.
Projected shelf life
Videos: 2 years and/or before Butaro,
Rwanda campus opens in 2018
Repurposed video content: 5 years
Still images: 5 years
The MGHD program will operate under the
following academic calendar:
Orientation in Residence
14-18 September 2015
Rwinkwavu Center for Training and
Weekly Evening Session
23 September 2015
Weekly Evening Session
30 September 2015
Weekly Evening Session
7 October 2015
Weekend in Residence
9-11 October 2015
Rwinkwavu Center for Training and
Weekly Evening Session
14 October 2015
Weekly Evening Session
21 October 2015
Weekly Evening Session
28 October 2015
Weekend in Residence
30 October-1 November
Rwinkwavu Center for Training and
Weekly Evening Session
4 November 2015
Weekly Evening Session
11 November 2015
Weekly Evening Session
18 November 2015
Weekly Evening Session
25 November 2015
Weekly Evening Session
2 December 2015
Weekend in Residence
4-6 December 2015
Rwinkwavu Center for Training and
Weekly Evening Session
9 December 2015
Final Evaluation
12-13 December 2015
  • AVD
    must possess all equipment necessary to undertake the entire production
  • AVD
    must obtain necessary credentials to work in Rwanda.
  • AVD
    must be available to work in Rwanda for multi-day filming tours during the
    first academic year (September 2015-May 2016). A filming schedule will be
    collaboratively established to optimize the MGHD academic calendar.
    Non-filming work can take place remotely supported by frequent dialogue
    with Rwanda-based staff.
  • AVD
    must have experience working with vulnerable populations in low resource
    settings, academic institutions, and a regional expertise with a portfolio
    that includes work in urban and rural African localities.
  • AVD
    must be capable of managing deadlines and an iterative story development
    and product review process in collaboration with multi-location,
    globally-based UGHE and Partners In Health staff.
  • AVD
    must have experience collaborating with NGOs or academic institutions to
    develop storyboarding and managing the comprehensive messaging arch of
  • AVD
    must possess a portfolio of topically relevant still and video samples.
UGHE seeks technical and financial
proposals from AVD candidates describing how to best comprehensively approach
the items below. Products should include a brief film (3-5 minutes) to be used
on the UGHE website and beyond as well as shorter stand-alone clips appropriate
for social media and targeted audiovisual needs. Still photographs from the
project will be used for a variety of diverse promotional, development, and
educational purposes. Narrative mechanisms may include the following angles:
  • Profile
    3-5 MGHD students. Highlight what inspired them to apply, what they
    currently do professionally (show them at work), what they are doing in
    the MGHD (feature them in small group project/discussion in the
    classroom), and how the MGHD will position them for future careers (their
    hopes, dreams, aspirations and the next steps they plan to pursue as they
    finish the MGHD)
  • Interview
    VIPs and faculty talking about how the MGHD is historical, unparalleled,
    and changing the global health paradigm. Ask select faculty and staff
    member(s) to describe the MGHD’s unique teaching and learning style,
    pedagogy, and course content in order to capture the design thinking
    behind the MGHD. Capture faculty teaching and conducting a one-on-one
    mentorship meeting with student(s).
  • Highlight
    administrators and student(s) describing the MGHD admissions process
    including what UGHE is looking for in MGHD candidates; capture the student
    perspective on the admissions and recruitment process and ask current
    students to delivery advice to future applicants.
The proposal should also include:
  • Individual
    or firm name and contact information
  • Copy
    right and intellectual property guidelines for the use and distribution of
  • A
    detailed approach to the project including a proposed timeline
  • Suggestions
    around the nature and format of the final outcome to include medium and
  • Bios
    of the individual or team proposing to undertake the work
  • Links
    to similar portfolio work to serve as samples of expertise and artistic
  • 2
    professional references with contact details
Submission and Inquires
All inquiries and proposals should be
submitted via email to
All proposals must be received by October
29, 2015 at 5:00 PM CAT.

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