Plant Parenthood: The Surprising Immune-Boosting Benefits

If you’ve amassed a collection of plants over the recent years and spend lots of time caring for them, you probably consider yourself to be a plant parent. According to recent statistics, 7 in 10 Millennials call themselves a plant parent, and for them, caring for houseplants isn’t just a hobby. In fact, some individuals belonging to this generation actually prefer plants over children or pets since there’s less work and responsibility, but it offers the same sense of joy.

Being a plant parent has multiple benefits. Not only do plants enhance the aesthetics of your home, but there is scientific evidence that caring for houseplants can be good for your overall wellbeing. Moreover, research shows that having plant babies may prevent you from getting sick. If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, here are the surprising immune-boosting benefits of plant parenthood.

Protects Against Respiratory Diseases

Respiratory diseases are some of the most common ailments worldwide. Some of the most prevalent lung diseases include asthma and pneumonia, and about 300 million people worldwide have asthma, while there’s one case of pneumonia per 71 children globally each year. Poor air quality has been linked to various respiratory diseases, which is why the use of air purifiers has been highly recommended by medical experts to clean the air of toxins, pollutants, and microbes. But if you’re a plant parent, you’re bound to have better indoor air quality since houseplants can purify the air. In fact, a study shows that indoor plants can reduce airborne microbes by 50 percent. Moreover, plants can get rid of potential allergens in the air, such as ammonia, organic compounds, and volatile organic components, which may trigger respiratory ailments such as asthma.

When adding houseplants to your living spaces, think about choosing ones that have air purifying properties to improve your respiratory health. Plants such as Peace lily, snake plants, sword ferns, spider plants, Golden pothos, English ivy, and elephant ear philodendrons are highly effective in purifying indoor air. They’re also quite low maintenance, making them ideal for first time plant parents. Consider putting a few of these plants in the rooms that you use the most, such as the living room, kitchen, and bedroom. Keep the leaves clean and free of dust to maximize their air cleaning properties, and make sure to expose them to sunlight and give them fresh water every once in a while to keep your plant babies in good condition.

Speeds Up Healing and Recovery Time

Getting sick is a part of life, and no matter how many precautions you take, it’s possible to fall ill due to a weakened immune system or new strains of viruses in the air. Taking medication and vitamins can help you to get better, but so can having some of your plant babies inside your room. One study has found that incorporating indoor gardens in hospital rooms and public areas can have a positive effect on patients’ recovery time and satisfaction. So why not create a green sanctuary in your living space? Think about having a large plant, like a Monstera Deliciosa, in one corner of your room, then place a potted flowering plant on your bedside table. Add some leafy plants on your window sill, and you’re sure to experience an emotional lift and feel better in no time at all.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

People’s mental health has been taking a toll in recent years since the challenges of modern living have increased everyone’s stress levels. Although a little stress can be good for you, chronic stress can result in mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety disorders. Moreover, it can increase your risks of developing health conditions such as heart ailments, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure, among others.

Taking some time to rest, meditate, and unwind, as well as therapy, can put you in a healthier state of mind. Being a plant parent can also help since decades of research have shown that houseplants can reduce stress and increase feelings of comfort. They may even relieve anxiety and help you relax. Caring for your plant babies can also promote feelings of positivity– this is why you feel a lot better whenever you’re watering, pruning, or talking to your houseplants. Consider caring for a lavender plant, which has a comforting scent that can calm the mind. Other fragrant plants that you may like to have are rosemary, basil, and lemongrass, since they can have an energizing effect on the senses. Meanwhile, plants with purple, pink, or white flowers may help to lower blood pressure and heart rate so you can feel mellow and relaxed.

Being a plant parent can improve your wellbeing in many ways. Consider plant parenthood to stay well, happy, and healthy, and enjoy caring for your plant babies.

Photo Credit: Pexels

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