How much does Invisalign cost in the UK and other important facts you want to know

Invisalign London clear aligners have literally redefined both comfort and convenience in orthodontic straightening of the teeth. Compared to conventional braces this range of aligner trays is so easy and comfortable that most people forget that they are wearing braces on the teeth. This makes it little difficult to remember to take the aligners out while having a meal or little snacking. If the truth is to be told it is also important to take the aligners out of the mouth not only while eating something but also while having any kind of drink other than plain water. Any kind of food or drink is potentially harmful for your aligners. Stains from the foods and drinks may easily catch up with the clear transparent aligner trays and once this happens your clear aligner treatment does not remain discreet to the world any more. In addition to that chances of physical damage to the appliance cannot be ruled out either – resulting in loosened fitting of the aligner trays on the teeth.

Invisalign aligner trays and custom fitted on a patient’s teeth as these are meant to trim the gum line. The range of appliances is easily removable; you can take off the aligners and wear those back again on time all by yourself. It is even possible to take off these clear plastic aligners discreetly when you are in public. In spite of all these advantages that the cutting edge technology to straighten the teeth provides one of the most common questions asked by potential patients is how much does Invisalign cost? We understand cost is a crucial aspect to decide whether one should or should not take the Invisalign way and so will discuss that topic later at an appropriate place. Now let us cover some more interesting facts about this revolutionary teeth straightening procedure.

  • Never ever store your clear aligner trays anywhere else than the case that came in your kit

If you choose invisalign over other orthodontic procedures then you have to be committed to its compliance right from the word go. Unlike other teeth straightening procedures Invisalign has only one serious regulation to comply with – you have to wear these aligner trays a minimum of 20 to 22 hours a day. Only when you follow this regulation close to your heart the treatment brings you the desired and timely results. for those few hours every day when you are not wearing your aligners you must store those in their case that came along with the kit. This prevents the appliances from getting lost but more than that it prevents the aligner trays from suffering any kind of damage and accident. Moreover it keeps the appliances free from dirt and dust. It is important to mention these tiny appliances are prone to get lost when you are not wearing those on your teeth. You should never ever place your clear removable aligners in your pocket. That is the easiest way of damaging as well as losing those.

How much does Invisalign cost in the UK in a month?

Before discussing the monthly cost of the treatment it is important to mention that this cutting-edge procedure is usually little more costly than the traditional treatments. Why? This is because of the lab fee that is involved to make the aligner trays custom fit for your teeth.

  • Clean your clear plastic aligners with a toothbrush having soft bristles daily

You have to keep your Invisalign aligners clean and for that it is important to give them a quick clean every day. Use your regular fluoride toothpaste, a toothbrush with soft bristles and lukewarm water to make the cleaning effective. Brush the aligner surface gently and then rinse the appliance thoroughly in lukewarm water before wearing it back on the teeth for the day. While brushing be little careful around the nooks and corners where food and drink residuals may stuck up.

  • Keep brushing and flossing the teeth as usual to maintain optimum oral hygiene

Throughout your Invisalign journey it is important to maintain optimum oral hygiene. That is why you must continue with normal brushing and flossing the teeth every day. These efforts help removing food debris and drink residuals from the mouth which may stain your clear transparent appliances with time. Maintaining these oral health regimens keeps your teeth and the gums strong, healthy and free from diseases.

Dentists at the renowned Chatfield Dental Braces in London recommend brushing twice daily throughout one’s Invisalign journey. They also suggest using any fluoride toothpaste on regular basis. Flossing the teeth before brushing is important as well as helpful they say.

  • Give your invsialign aligners a quick and thorough rinse every time when you take those out of the teeth

Every time you take the aligners out of the mouth just make sure to give those a quick and thorough rinse. It is better if the rinsing in done with little lukewarm water but that may not be possible always. So it does not matter if you rinse those in normal water most of the times. This helps keeping your aligner trays clean and hygienic. Just like your aligner trays you should give your mouth a thorough rinse or two every time when you slip out your aligner trays from the teeth. Providing the teeth with a quick brushing is also important.

  • Stay away from foods and drinks that can stain the aligners

How much your invisalign will cost depends much on how careful and serious you are about the treatment. There are certain foods and drinks that can stain the clear transparent aligner trays over time. If you stay away from those edible items there will not be any need to replace an existing set of aligner trays that is stained with a fresh new one from the remote Invisalign lab. So, this keeps your overall treatment cost reasonable as there is no inflation in price.

The foods and the drinks that you should avoid throughout your Invisalign journey include the following – coffee, red wine, tea, fizzy drinks, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and curry, etc. It is also important to always remove the aligners from the teeth before eating or drinking anything other than plain water. Hot drinks may distort the thermoplastic material which your aligner trays are made up of. Thus the appliances may not fit on your teeth as snugly as they should.

On an average Invisalign treatments cost within the range of £1,500 to £5,000 depending on various factors including the severity involved in a case. The mean cost comes somewhere around £3,500. There are many reliable private dental surgeries in the UK that tailor the treatment according to individual needs of patients along with offering flexible finance options to make the treatment affordable for everyone. So how much is the cost of Invisalign a month in the UK? It cost you as reasonable as only £28 a month with interest-free credit available for 12 months. Feel free to call us now and know more about the plans.

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