Request for Tender for full feasibility study of Upgrading the production of Nyabimata Water Treatment and Mata complex system

Full feasibility study of Upgrading the production of Nyabimata Water Treatment and Mata complex system

Full feasibility study of Upgrading the production of Nyabimata Water Treatment and Mata complex system


Nyaruguru District now solicits proposals to provide the following consulting services: full feasibility study of upgrading the production of Nyabimata Water Treatment and Mata complex system. More details on the services are provided in the Terms of Reference.

A Consultant will be selected under a QCBS and procedures described in this RFP, in accordance with the Law on Public Procurement.

A compulsory site visit is scheduled and will be conducted by the representatives of Nyaruguru District on 26 May 2020, starting from 10h00 A.M local time at Nyaruguru District;

For submission of their Proposals, all interested bidder must pay non-refundable fee of Seven Thousand Two Hundred Rwandan francs (7,200 Frw) to the Account N°481380625611 opened at BPR or the Account No 00400063620616 opened in Bank of Kigali (BK) in name of RRA Decentralised Taxes Nyaruguru District; 

All Proposals must be accompanied by a bid security of 600,000 Rwf;

All proposals will be submitted online using the E-Procurement system. The deadline for bids submission is fixed on 10/06/2020 at 10h00. Technical Proposals will be opened automatically by the E-Procurement system on the same day at 10h30


TIN: 101435463
Procuring Entity: Nyaruguru District
Procuring Entity Type: State
Address: BUTARE
Abbreviation Name: Nyaruguru
Post Box: 215
Tel No: 07885256690
Fax No:
Representative Name: RUZIMA Serge

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