SNV Consultancy to support the HortInvest Project to conduct a study on fruits and vegetables import substitution opportunities., Kigali, Rwanda

Company Description

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation is a not-for-profit international development organisation. Founded in the Netherlands 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in 38 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors works with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development. For more information, please refer to our website:

Currently implementing 25 horticulture projects worldwide, SNV actively engages with the private sector, being convinced of the crucial role private sector has in furthering horticulture value chains for both domestic and international markets. SNV’s Inclusive Business approach combines private sector development with inclusive growth objectives. Reducing food losses and increasing value chain efficiencies, improving food safety, inclusion of entrepreneurial small holders, climate smart agriculture and other themes play an important role in all our horticulture projects.

Under the funding of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) SNV together with 4 consortium partners, Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Holland Greentech, Agriterra, and The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), are implementing the HortInvest project. The project’s overall objective is to develop the horticulture sector in Rwanda, with a specific focus on six target districts in the North-Western part of the country (i.e. Muhanga, Karongi, Rutsiro, Rubavu, Nyabihu and Ngororero). One of the four components of the project is the Enabling Environment, which is entrusted with the task of contributing to a conducive environment for horticulture sector development. Facilitation of collaboration and consultation among horticulture stakeholders falls under the objectives of this component.


SNV is committed to integrity in procurement, and only selects suppliers based on objective business criteria such as price and technical merit.

SNV does not tolerate fraud, collusion among offerors, falsified proposals/bids, bribery, or kickbacks. Any firm or individual violating these standards will be disqualified from this procurement, barred from future procurement opportunities, and may be reported to both the Office of the Inspector General.

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Offerors responding to this RFP must include the following as part of the proposal submission:

  • Disclose any close, familial, or financial relationships with SNV or project staff. For example, if an offeror’s cousin is employed by the project, the offeror must state this.
  • Disclose any family or financial relationship with other offerors submitting proposals. For example, if the offeror’s father owns a company that is submitting another proposal, the offeror must state this.
  • Certify that the prices in the offer have been arrived at independently, without any consultation, communication, or agreement with any other offeror or competitor for the purpose of restricting competition.
  • Certify that all information in the proposal and all supporting documentation are authentic and accurate.
  • Certify understanding and agreement to SNV’ prohibitions against fraud, bribery and kickbacks.

Job Description

HortInvest is a market-led project, which aims to support farmers to produce fruits, vegetables, and potatoes according to market demand. As a result, farmer incomes should increase and food and nutrition security in Rwanda improve in a sustainable way. Consistency in supply according to demand should reduce post-harvest losses and provide farmers with more attractive prices at times of the year when supply is currently high. At the same time, consumers should benefit from higher availability and improved accessibility of horticulture crops at times of the year when supply is currently low and prices are high.

Scope of work

The scope of the study includes the following:

  • The study involves market research of fruit, vegetable, and potato crops that are commonly being imported from neighbouring countries into Rwanda where they are sold. This can be during the whole year or during specific times of a year. The crops that are of interest are those that are or could also be produced by farmers in Rwanda.
  • The study will provide an overview of which fruit, vegetable, and potato crops are commonly imported into Rwanda, during which times of the year, their volumes, and from which regions. Any relevant trends regarding the import of fruit, vegetable, and potato crops will be revealed.
  • For at least five high potential fruit, vegetable, and/or potato crops for import substitution the study will provide details of the prices at which these crops are being imported, which is likely to differ during different times of the year. At the same time, these prices will be compared to the prices that Rwandan producers and traders charge for the same crops during the same times of the year
  • The study will provide any other reasons other than price that cause import of fruits and vegetables (e.g. taste, reliability of supply, quality, existing relationships between producers/traders/buyers/market salesmen, etc.)
  • For the identified high potential crops the study will provide insight in the determinants of their prices, showing differences in for example production costs between Rwandan producers and their competitors, transport costs, and any other key variables
  • The study will show for which high potential crops Rwandan farmers could compete with farmers in other countries or develop a comparative advantage, in terms of cost price and quality.
  • The study will provide recommendations in general on how to stimulate fruit and vegetable import substitution.


The consultant will produce the following deliverables for HortInvest:

  • Presentation on the setup of the research methodology and approach
  • Inception report, including desk research summary
  • Questionnaire for data collection
  • Draft report, addressing all the issues described under the scope of work above
  • Files with raw data collected
  • Providing a presentation to the HortInvest team on the study findings and recommendations
  • Final report

In addition to providing the deliverables mentioned above, the consultants is expected to communicate on a regular basis with HortInvest about the progress of the study and any issues encountered. The consultant may be required to complete other tasks that may present itself during the assignment and will be agreed upon between the HortInvest project management and the consultant.


  • A professional with over 10 years working experience in market research and analysis.
  • At least a Bachelor’s degree in agribusiness, economics, business administration or a related field.
  • Experienced in market and value chain analysis in agriculture in east/central Africa.
  • Up to date knowledge on horticulture value chain in east/central Africa.
  • Has significant working experience in multiple East African countries and DRC, and willing and able to perform this assignment in those countries
  • Pro-active and flexible working attitude
  • Applies structured work methods
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Strong communication skills
  • Able to work independently and in a team
  • Fluent in English and Kinyarwanda. Command of Kiswahili will be an advantage.
  • Available for 30 to 40 working days during July to October 2020

Additional Information

How to apply: The Offers must fully meet all requirements of this RFP No .SNV/RFP/008/2020, and are requested to submit their proposals no later than Friday May 12, 2020 at 17h00 local Kigali time via

All offers must be prepared in English. Each offer should be composed of a Resume, Technical Proposal, and Cost Proposal.

Assignment start date: July 2020 (The projected timeline is under the assumption that there will be no measures related to COVID19 which will limit the ability to conduct research (e.g. data collection and interviews)

Duration of contract: 4 months (35 days) with a possibility of extension.

NB: Only successful candidates will be contacted.

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