Agaciro Development Fund Tender Notice

Development Fund (AGDF) hereby invites qualified companies to submit their bids
for the consultancy to provide training on portfolio valuation and due
diligence for its portfolio management team.
Terms of Reference (ToRs) Document in English are obtainable on any working
days upon presentation of payment proof of 10,000 Rwandan francs non-refundable
to the account 040-0424687-43 of AGDF opened in Bank of Kigali. Participation
is open to local incorporated companies meeting the requirements specified in
ToRs document.

presently invests in fixed income government securities and term deposits and
equities.  AGDF aims to diversify its investment portfolio by taking on
equity investments of the Government of Rwanda that have been held in various
companies. This will significantly change its operations.  To achieve this
aspiration, AGDF is looking to recruit a consulting firm to help enhance the
capacity of its portfolio management team with the requisite portfolio
valuation and financial due diligence skills.
consultancy aims to enhance the capacity of AGDF portfolio management team
through valuation training, financial due diligence and on-the-job support
program. At the conclusion of this consultancy, key AGDF management should have
acquired practical skills in financial due diligence and valuation techniques
for companies in diverse sectors and investment types.
bids written in English language, properly bound and presented in three copies
one of which is original in sealed envelopes and addressed to the Chief
Executive Officer of AGDF will be submitted in a sealed at its headquarters in
RSSB Tower II, 3rd Floor, Kigali not later than 17 October 2018 at 09:00 and
opening will take place the same day at 09:30. For technical proposals that
will not be selected based on evaluation criteria set out in ToRs, the
corresponding financial proposals will not be considered and will be returned
unopened to bidders. The opening of financial proposals will be on 19 October
2018. Late bids will be rejected and online submissions will not be accepted.
opening of bids will take place in the presence of bidders or their
representatives who choose to attend at AGDF on the date and time mentioned
herein above. The bids will remain valid for 120 days starting from the
deadline of their submission.
at Kigali, 1 October 2018
Executive Officer

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