Consultancy Support to Support Rwanda Civil Society Platform to Develop a Strategic Plan and a Capacity Development Plan for Local CSOs (2 local consultants)

Mission: is
to represent our members in the processes of facilitating citizen’s
participation in sustainanble development efforts through constructive dialogue,
debate and advocacy at the national and international levels. 
Personnalité Civile AM nº72/11
du 19/11/2007 publié dans OG no 27 du 06 07 2009
B.P 6333 Kigali


PLAN FOR LOCAL CSOs (2 local consultants)
Rwanda’s civil society is highly
diverse with CSOs represented in such sectors as human rights and democratic
governance, social protection, HIV & AIDS, peace and reconciliation,
community development among others. CSO structures are considered as relatively
developed but they face limitation in terms of capacities for instance in
programme design, monitoring and evaluation, financial management, knowledge
management, policy advocacy, and gender mainstreaming and resource
mobilization. In addition, urban-based CSOs with progressive leaders and
sustainable resource base tend to exhibit higher capacities as opposed to their
rural counterparts.
A CSO coordination mechanism has been
established through the Rwanda Civil Society Platform (RCSP), a non-profit
making umbrella organization established in 2004 with an objective to set up a
platform for information sharing and consultation between CSOs and their
partners. The Platform is composed of 9 national umbrellas of NGOs and it has a
total number of almost 1448 member organizations. RCSP main objectives are as
follows: (i) Promote solidarity and harmonious relations between the members of
the CSOs; (ii) Analyze the major challenges faced by the Rwandan population and
adopt common positions and strategies to address the challenges; (iii) Set up
and maintain an information system to enable CSOs to achieve their missions,
acting in close collaboration with all partners; (iv) Develop effective
partnerships at national, regional and international level; and (v) Provide strong
representation and advocacy for its members.
The RCSP recently conducted a capacity
needs assessment of local CSOs as a follow up to the discussion in the
Development Partners Retreat meeting in February 2017. The assessment
recommended building the institutional and organizational capacity of the RCSP
to deliver on the following: (i) To be a platform (or “a cadre”) for discussion
and reflection on national and international issues, where CSOs would be
expected to dialogue and harmonize their positions and perspectives; (ii) To
advocate on the issues on which consensus exists among CSOs (to this aim, RCSP
is involved in the production studies and in the drafting of “consensus papers”
through the involvement of independent/external consultants); (iii) To
represent Civil Society in front of other partners (and then to be a channel
other partners can use to enter in contact and communicate with CSOs).
RCSP does not currently have an updated
Strategic Plan. All these objectives and activities pertaining to the RCSP need
to be elaborated in a systematic way through a Strategic Plan that sets the
goals and direction for the organization. Simply put, strategic planning
determines exactly where the organization is going over the next few years and
how it’s going to get there. The Strategic Plan needs to draw upon and be
complemented by, a comprehensive local CSOs capacity-development plan with
inputs by RCSP members and key stakeholders.
Objective and Scope of work
The objective is to support the RCSP to
develop a 5-year strategic plan and a capacity-development plan for local CSOs.
A team of two consultants will perform the following tasks:
  1. Review
    the vision and mission based on the RCSP’s mandate;
  2. Consult
    all relevant documents regarding CSO sector like NST, Vision 2050, Rwanda Civil
    Society Development Barometer, CSO capacity needs assessment, Busan
    monitoring report, and other relevant analytical reports;
  3. Review
    the recommendations in the CSO capacity needs assessment and collect
    additional input from RCSP members and key stakeholders;
  4. Propose
    a capacity-development plan for local CSOs in consultation with relevant
    stakeholders addressing needs at the level of RCSP, umbrella member
    organizations and the broader community;
  5. Review
    RCSP organizational set-up, capacities and systems in place and consult
    members and key stakeholders on how these can be further strengthened
    including capacities for coordination and evidence-based advocacy.
  6. Map
    and assess the current RCSP partnership framework and relationships with
    key stakeholders and propose ways to strengthen CSOs networking and
    coalition building for better learning and advocacy;
  7. Identify
    focus areas, strategic objectives, and key result areas through a
    consultative process;
  8. Using
    the information gathered from the consultations and the analysis, draft a
    5-year strategic plan for achieving the strategic objectives and key
    results, including organizational arrangements, resource mobilization
    approach and coordination mechanisms;
  9. Develop
    a Results and Resources Framework for the planned period;
  10. Develop
    a monitoring and evaluation framework to track progress on the
    implementation of the plan;
  11. Facilitate
    stakeholders meeting(s) to validate the draft Strategic Plan and finalize
    the plan in consultation with members and key stakeholders.
3.    Structure of the
RCSP Strategic Plan
a.    Introduction

This chapter should briefly set out the context and purpose of the RCSP plan
and a brief description of the process and methodology undertaken to elaborate
the Strategic Plan.
b.    Overview of the
The section includes situation
analysis, evaluation of RCSP’s current standing, main achievements, priorities
planned but not achieved, SWOT analysis and so on.
c.    Strategic
The following will be included:
  • Mission
    and strategic objectives
  • Key
    focus areas and Programmes
  • Cross-cutting
    issues: gender, youth, vulnerable groups
  • Results
    framework (results chain)
d.    Implementation of
the strategic plan
This section will elaborate on the
risks to effective implementation, solutions to risks envisaged, organizational
and coordination arrangements. It will describe the roles of members and other
CSOs in this strategy.
e.    Monitoring,
Evaluation, and Learning 
M&E systems and learning to inform
decision making and advocacy
f.    Cost and financing
of the strategic plan
Financial resources framework and
fundraising plan
g.    Appendixes
Capacity-building plan of local CSOs c
will be the appendix to the strategic plan and pursued through the RCSP programmes
and support to local CSOs.
  1. Methodology
RCSP is a diverse network of Umbrellas
with their own strategic visions. The methodology will be participatory with
the involvement of all key stakeholders from the CSOs, Government departments,
Development Partners, communities etc. This process will give RCSP the
opportunity to take stock of the past achievements and challenges and define
its purpose, vision, and mission in light of Rwanda’s new Vision 2050 and NST1.
The consultant will carry out focus group discussions and consultations with
RCSP umbrella organizations and with individual members which will be selected
in a way that allows a diverse group of individual members to be consulted. The
consultant will also consult representatives from Government, DPs, INGO
network. Stakeholder meetings will be organized for collecting inputs,
validation and launch processes.
Key deliverables
  • Inception
     The Consultant will prepare
    an inception report which details the consultant understanding of the assignment
    and how it will be conducted. The inception report will include the
    design, methodology, questions, data sources and collection analysis
    tools, work plan and time frame.
  • Draft
    strategic plan:
     The consultant will consult
    all relevant stakeholders and will prepare a draft strategic plan
    including a results and resources framework. The draft will be submitted
    to the RCSP. RCSP will establish a technical team that will guide the
    consultant and provides comments and feedback on the draft. The RCSP will circulate
    the draft for additional comments and inputs by relevant stakeholders and
    will organize a validation meeting with relevant stakeholders including,
    among others, representatives from RCSP umbrella organizations, RGB, INGO
    network, DPs working in the field.
  • Draft
    capacity-development plan:
    consultant will prepare a draft capacity-development plan. The draft will
    be submitted to the RCSP. RCSP will establish a technical team that will
    provide comments and feedback on the draft. The RCSP will circulate the
    draft for additional comments and inputs by relevant stakeholders and will
    organize a validation meeting with relevant stakeholders including, among
    others, representatives from RCSP umbrella organizations, RGB, INGO
    network, DPs working in the field.
  • Final
    strategic plan and capacity-development plan: 
    final documents will be submitted to the RCSP after receiving and
    incorporating the comments.
Organizational arrangements
The RCSP will take overall
responsibility for the day-to-day management of this assignment and will make
every reasonable effort to assist the consultant in carrying out the
The RCSP will form a Steering Committee
to oversee the execution of the assignment. The RCSP will establish a technical
team to provide feedback and comments throughout the assignment.  
The RCSP will provide workspace as
requested by the consultant. However, the consultants are expected to be
self-sufficient and use their own computer, printer, and phone.
Duration of the assignment
The assignment will be conducted for 60
workings days and will include:
RCSP Strategic plan (40 days)
  • Inception
    report including the desk research, design of questionnaire for meetings
    (interviews and focus groups) and sampling criteria, the methodology and work
    plan: 4 days
  • Fieldwork:
    Consultations, analysis, and drafting: 25 days
  • Submission
    of draft strategic plan and incorporation of comments: 5 days
  • Validation
    meeting with stakeholders: 1 day
  • Finalization
    of the plan: 5 days
Local CSO capacity-development plan
  • Inception
    report including the desk research, design of questionnaire for meetings,
    the methodology and work plan: 2 days
  • Fieldwork:
    Consultations, analysis, and drafting: 13 days
  • Submission
    of draft capacity-development plan and incorporation of comments: 2 days
  • Validation
    meeting with stakeholders: 1 day
  • Finalization
    of the plan: 2 days
Duty station
The duty station of the assignment will
be Kigali, Rwanda, specifically the RCSP Office and Umbrella organization
members. However, the consultant may be required to travel to sites outside
Kigali to meet with CSPs working at the community level as appropriate
Consultant Profile
Any interested Local Consultant must
Consultant 1: Strategic Planning
Consultant (Team Leader)
  • Advanced
    Degree (Masters or higher) in social sciences, law, public policy,
    political science, economics, or a closely related field;
  • At
    least 7 years of relevant professional experience; preferably in policy
    and institutional issues in the field of democratic governance and
    strategic planning and management;
  • At
    least 2 similar assignments in supporting strategic plan formulation;
  • A
    very good understanding of the Rwanda Civil Society landscape and
    experience working with CSOs especially in the area of capacity
  • Good
    command of English. Knowledge of French is an advantage.
Required Competencies: communication,
analytical, organizing and negotiating skills; good interpersonal skills;
ability to produce clear and concise reports
Consultant 2: CSO capacity-building
  • Advanced
    Degree (Masters or higher) in social sciences, law, public policy,
    political science, economics, or a closely related field;
  • At
    least 7 years of relevant professional experience; preferably in
    democratic governance processes and CSO capacity-building
  • At
    least 2 similar assignments in supporting formulation of plans for CSO
    capacity building;
  • A
    very good understanding of the Rwanda Civil Society landscape and
    experience working with CSOs especially in the area of capacity
  • Good
    command of English. Knowledge of French is an advantage.
Required Competencies: communication,
analytical, organizing and negotiating skills; good interpersonal skills;
ability to produce clear and concise reports
Evaluation criteria
The consultant will be evaluated
against a combination of technical and financial criteria (combined scoring
method). The maximum score is 100% out of which technical criteria equal 70%
and financial criteria equals 30%.
The technical evaluation will include
the following:
Consultant 1: Strategic Planning
Consultant (Team Leader)
Max. point
Advanced Degree (Masters or higher)
in social sciences, law, public policy, political science, economics, or a
closely related field, in combination with equivalent relevant work
At least 7 years of relevant
professional experience, preferably in policy and institutional issues in the
field of democratic governance and strategic planning and management
Sound methodology to conduct the
At least 2 similar assignments in
supporting strategic plan formulation
A very good understanding of the
Rwanda Civil Society landscape and experience working with CSOs especially in
the area of capacity development
Good command of English; French is an
Consultant 2: CSO capacity-building
Max. point
Advanced Degree (Masters or higher)
in social sciences, law, public policy, political science, economics, or a
closely related field
At least 7 years of relevant
professional experience; preferably in democratic governance processes and
CSO capacity-building
Sound methodology to conduct the
At least 2 similar assignments in
supporting formulation of plans for CSO capacity building
A very good understanding of the
Rwanda Civil Society landscape and experience working with CSOs especially in
the area of capacity development
Good command of English; French is an
10.   Application procedure
Qualified and interested candidates are
hereby requested to apply. The application should contain the following:
  • Personal
    CV indicating education background/professional qualifications, all past
    experience from similar assignments, as well as the contact details (email
    and telephone number) of the candidate and at least three (3) professional
  • The
    brief description of why the individual considers him/herself as the most
    suitable for the assignment and a methodology, on how they will approach
    and complete the assignment;
  • The
    financial proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract
    price, supported by a breakdown of costs.
11.    Submission
Applicants are kindly requested to
hand-deliver their application documents (Physically) at the front
desk of Rwanda Civil Society Platform in Kicukiro District,
(Kicukiro- Centre) KK 371 st
House no 4.
  • Application
    documents should be submitted not later than 04th October
    2018 at 4 pm
  • For
    more information and direction, please contact Tel: +250783231237.
Please note that applications which do
not meet the specified minimum requirements will be rejected. Only shortlisted
candidates will be contacted.
Done at Kigali, 19th,
September 2018
Nyemazi John Bosco
Executive Secretary
Rwanda Civil Society Platform (RCSP)

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