Communication media and technology

Communication channels also known as
communication media, are the delivery vehicle for your message. All media technologies used for mass
communications, organisations which control these technologies.

Types of mass media
Mobile phones
Print Media
Paper and ink since late 15th century eg
newspapers, magazines, classifieds, circulars, journals, yellow pages,
billboards, posters, brochures, and catalogues
The use of storage media since late 19th
century eg gramophone records, magnetic tapes, cassettes, cartridges, CDs, DVDs
Film: Story conveyed with moving images started
around 1900 eg cameras, animation, visual effects
Types of films include comedy, Drama, Horror,
Action, Children’s, Suspense/Thriller, Fantasy, Crime, Romance, Science
Fiction, and Documentary.
This is a one-way transmission over radio waves
intended to reach a wide audience it has been since 1910 such as Commercial,
Community, International broadcasting, Music, Pirate, Public
Telecommunication medium for transmitting and
receiving moving images (usually with sound)
It started about 1950 for disseminating information
such as news, Movies, Situation comedy, Sports events, Audience participation,
Talk/conversation, Music, Reality-based show, Devotional/religious
World Wide Web (since about 1990) Websites (news,
blogs, social networking, wiki)
Forums/message board eg Internet telephone, Email,
Instant messaging and chat. Streaming audio (podcasts, Internet radio)
Streaming video (webcasts, podcasts, YouTube videos) etc
Mobile Phones
Make mobile telephone calls across a wide geographic
area. Since 2000 (3G – mass media) has been. It is permanently on built-in
payment mechanism.
Communication media and technology include
Ø  Video
Ø  Film
Ø  Television
Ø  Internet/social
electronic media
Ø  Multimedia
Ø  Video
Ø  Digital
Ø  Motion
Ø  Computers
Ø  Scanners
Video:-  This is a movie, television show, event,
etc., that has been recorded onto a videocassette, DVD, etc., so that it can be
watched on a television or computer screen. It is a recorded performance of a
song in which visual images are shown together with the music.
This is a thin flexible strip of plastic or other material coated with
light-sensitive emulsion for exposure in a camera, used to produce photographs
or motion pictures. It is a story or event recorded by a camera as a set of
moving images and shown in a cinema or on television.
Television:-  This
is a set
of device designed to receive and
convert incoming electrical
signals into a series
of visible images on a screen together with
accompanying sound. It is a
system for converting visual images (with sound) into electrical signals,
transmitting them by radio or other means, and displaying them electronically
on a screen.


Internet:- The Internet, sometimes called
simply “the Net,” is a worldwide system of computer networks – a
network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have
permission, get information from any other computer (and sometimes talk
directly to users at other computers). It is an electronic
communications network that connects computer networks and organizational
computer facilities around the world.


Media is a
form of electronic communication (as Web sites for
social networking and micro blogging) through which users create online
communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content
(as videos)

A projector is an apparatus
for throwing an image on a screen, as a motion-picture projector or magic lantern. It is a
device for
projecting a beam
of light. A person who forms projects or plans; schemer.
Types of Projector
Multimedia projector:
A multimedia projector is a compact, high resolution, full-colour projector
capable of projecting text, images, video and audio content. Typically the
projector will feature inputs for a computer, DVD player, VCR, CD player and
storage device. Multimedia projectors are also referred to as data projectors,
digital projectors and data/video projectors. These names can apply to both
portable and ceiling-mounted units provided that they can project computer

LCD (Liquid-Crystal
Display) Projectors
LCD projector is a device that uses a liquid crystal display technology to
project still images, video and other data onto a screen or other surface. An LCD projector is a
type of video projector for
displaying video, images or computer data on a screen or other flat surface. It
is a modern equivalent of the slide projector
or overhead projector.

LCD projectors use a metal halide lamp or similar lamp to generate light, which
passes polarized light through three LCD panels. These panels selectively allow
pixels of red, green or blue light pass through to another prism that combines
the colours and projects them onto a remote surface.



projectors compete with another projection technology known as “digital light
processing,”. LCD projectors generally have better colour saturation and are
more energy efficient.



to digital light processing, LCD technology is often thought to have poor black
levels, poor contrast and pixilation when viewing motion graphics. However,
many recent LCD projectors have succeeded in minimizing these flaws.
A video projector is an image projector that
receives a video signal and projects the corresponding image on a projection
screen using a lens system.
All video projectors use a very bright light to project the
image, and most modern ones can correct any curves, blurriness, and other
inconsistencies through manual settings. Video projectors are widely used for
many applications such as, conference room presentations, classroom training,
home theatre and concerts. Projectors are widely used in many schools and other
educational settings, sometimes connected to an interactive
whiteboard to interactively teach pupils.
A digital camera is a similar to a
traditional film-based camera, but it captures images digitally. When you take
a picture with a digital camera, the image is recorded by a sensor, called a
“charged coupled device” or CCD. Instead of saving the picture on analogue
film like traditional cameras, digital cameras save photos in digital memory.
Some digital cameras have built-in memory, but most use an SD or Compact Flash
Digital Video, Camera: A camera that captures moving
images and converts
them into electronic
signals so that they
can be saved on a storage device, such
as videotape or a hard drive, or viewed on a monitor.
Computer: This is an electronic device which is capable of receiving
information (data) in a particular form and performing a sequence of operations
in accordance with a predetermined but variable set of procedural instructions
(program) to produce a result in the form of information or signals.


computer is a device that accepts information (in the form of digitalized data)
and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of
instructions on how the data is to be processed.

A scanner is an input device that scans
documents such as photographs and pages of text. When a document is scanned, it
is converted into a digital format. This creates an electronic version of the
document that can be viewed and edited on a computer.
Most scanners are flatbed devices, which mean
they have a flat scanning surface. This is ideal for photographs, magazines,
and various documents. Most flatbed scanners have a cover that lifts up so that
books and other bulky objects can also be scanned. Another type of scanner is a
sheet-fed scanner, which can only accept paper documents. While sheet-fed
scanners cannot scan books, some models include an automatic document feeder,
or ADF, which allows multiple pages to be scanned in sequence.
VCD (also called video CD, video
compact disc
or “disc”) is a compact disk format based on CD-ROM
XA that is specifically designed to hold MPEG-1 video data and to include
interactive capabilities. VCD has a resolution similar to that of VHS,
which is far short of the resolution of DVD. V
ideo compact disc is an optical disc used to store
audio, video, or computer data, feature films for home viewing.
A DVD player is a device that plays discs
produced under both the DVD-Video and DVD-Audio technical standards, two
different and incompatible standards. Some DVD players will also play audio
CDs. DVD players are connected to a television to watch the DVD content, which
could be a movie, a recorded TV show, or other content.
The first DVD player was created by Tatung
Company in Taiwan in collaboration with Pacific Digital Company from the United
States in 1994. Some manufacturers originally announced that DVD players would
be available as early as the middle of 1996. These predictions were too
optimistic. Delivery was initially held up for “political” reasons of
copy protection demanded by movie studios, but was later delayed by lack of
movie titles. The first players appeared in Japan in November, 1996, followed
by U.S. players in March, 1997, with distribution limited to only 7 major
cities for the first 6 months.

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