Guidelines for overcoming barriers to delegation

Barriers to delegation can be overcome through the
following measures:
the need for delegation:
When superiors are reluctant to delegate because
they want to do everything themselves rather than allowing subordinates to do,
they should realise the need for delegation. In fact, more the delegation, more
successful will be an organisation.

confidence in subordinates:
Rather than feeling that subordinates are not
capable of accepting responsibilities so that delegator does not take the risk
of delegation, the delegator should understand that a man learns through
mistakes and if he commits mistakes, he shall try to find out solutions to the
problem also. If subordinates make mistakes, superiors should guide them rather
than not delegate at all.
Where delegation becomes ineffective because subordinates do not have the
information for making decisions, an effective system of communication should
be developed so that information flows freely from superiors to subordinates.
Well informed subordinates are an asset for the organisation. They can
contribute to effective organisational decisions.
Subordinates should be motivated to accept the responsibilities by providing
rewards (financial and non-financial) like recognition, status etc. Assigning
the whole job to one person can be motivating as it reflects confidence in the
system of control:
Since ultimate responsibility for the work assigned
is that of the delegator, he must ensure that subordinates perform well by
setting achievable standards of performance against which actual performance
shall be measured. Delegator should keep check on the activities of delegates
rather than not delegate at all.Though control helps in monitoring the
activities of subordinates, it should not be strict in nature. Moderately
lenient control system helps to achieve standards by control through
exceptions. Major deviations should be spotted by managers and minor deviations
should be corrected by the subordinates themselves. Control helps in avoiding
misuse of delegated authority.

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