Girl-Centered Data Expert support to GMO

Girl-Centered Data Expert support to GMO
Effect pioneers an integrated brand approach that reframes the value of girls
and shapes new social norms that bre

ak the cycle of poverty.

want to help create a ‘new normal’ for girls. A world in which girls are not
held back from reaching their full potential: either by themselves, their
families or their communities. A world in which girls can stay in school, get
access to health services, get married and have children when they choose,
realise their economic potential and their dreams: because they demand it and
because the others in their lives demand it, for them too.
the latest ideas in branding and technology, we’ve developed a new kind of
brand. A brand that attracts, connects and empowers girls at scale and changes
the way millions of people think, feel and act towards them.
Nyampinga (the beautiful girl inside and out, who makes good decisions) is
Rwanda’s first youth brand, aimed at inspiring and enabling Rwandan girls to be
future leaders. The brand is dynamic, aspirational, dignified, and optimistic
and embraces the values and richness of Rwandese culture. Launched by Girl Hub
Rwanda in 2011, Ni Nyampinga currently consists of a quarterly magazine and
weekly radio show that is by girls for girls and reaches a national audience.
content is designed to inspire self-belief as well as provide practical and
enabling information that can be used every day in girl’s lives. We see Ni
Nyampinga as being at the forefront of building the creative industries in
Effect Rwanda has established a working relationship with the Gender Monitoring
office (GMO) to enhance systematic availability of girl centered data to inform
policy makers. This has been through provision of technical support via a
consultant to work with the GMO on various assignments as per previous ToRs.
The support from the consultant has among other things facilitated GMO by
supporting the creation of specific monitoring/assessment tools to generate
girl centered data, Review of the girls education policy, development
indicators on adolescent girls that were later proposed by GMO to be captured
in the EICV5.
current TORs aim to continue that technical support and strengthen the
collaboration with GMO towards support to the upcoming EDPRS 2 review process
and compilation of a report to inform EDPR3 elaboration processes with data on
adolescent girl’s needs. The support will also extend to assessing mechanisms
of preventing and responding to human trafficking, monitoring GBV service
delivery by Isange One Stop Centers, and review of the district development
plans to inform how girl’s needs are integrated in those plans. The above
mentioned work will inform our work under the Ni Nyampinga brand.
on the previous experience with Gender Monitoring Office, GER seeks to hire a
consultant to deep dive into the data on the adolescent girls and provide GER
evidence to better position adolescent girls’ voices in the relevant government
sector agenda /plans mainly the EDPRS2 review, supporting the monitoring of
GBV/Human trafficking service delivery, EDPRS3 development process and district
development plans.
are also aware of the Gender profiling process that Gender Monitoring Office
has spear headed at the district level. This also presents us with a great
opportunity to understand the gender related situations at the district level.
Need to be mindful however, that adolescent girls’ related data might be
missing but a review of the District Gender profiles may provide a background
status of the selected districts.
  • Support
    the review process of the EDPRS2 and feed into the development of the
a roadmap for the review process of the EDPRS2 and identify key important steps
and opportunities to improve or position girls’ voices in this process.
collaboration with GMO, Conduct audits including in Education, health,
governance, key relevant units in the various Ministries and Community of
Practice for Girls (COP4G) members and other relevant stakeholders in order to
highlight how girls’ needs are taken into consideration and which
programs/projects are supporting girls and promoting their empowerment in the
current GoR’s sectorial policies. This will require a desk review as well all
data collection using the already developed girls’ responsive indicators to
support the analysis.
key allies in the private, NGO and public sector and make a case for girls’
through presentations. Attend key important technical working groups to ensure
the data gathered and the recommendations are shared with the key stakeholders
as part of the process.
and pull insights out of approved GER and external reports with a view of using
the findings to inform policy briefs among others.
  • Support
    the review process of the district development plans to inform development
    of the new ones;
the girl centered planning, budgeting checklist already developed with GMO to
conduct a gender audit of the current district development plans and provide a
report of the analysis with recommendations on how to influence the upcoming
district planning frameworks to improve performance towards girls’ specific
a gender audit report with the key findings for the targeted districts and
recommendations on best ways to influence next steps.
the report to GMO and Girl Effect leadership and key stakeholders to discuss
ways forward to influence the upcoming review and development of new district
development plans and budgets.
a road map for the upcoming review process of the districts development plans
and performance contracts with clear timelines and when this process could be
GMO convene strategic dialogue with selected districts and provincial officials
to position girl’s needs in the planning process of the local Government.
  • Continue
    to provide support to the GMO on mainstreaming and positioning of girl’s
    issues across GMO’s strategic plan;
  • Based
    on previous achievements in developing tools and framework for girl
    centered indicators and gender audits conducted, the consultant will keep
    supporting the various units in GMO and lead in the development of girl-
    centered policy and advocacy briefs, talking points, actions points and
    reports to inform effective planning for adolescent girls and boys.
  • Review
    GMO strategic plan and come-up with gaps on adolescent girls and support
    to mainstream the issues in the yet to be developed strategic plan.
  • Serve
    as a Special advisor to High Monitoring Council on issues of adolescent
  • Support
    the monitoring of GBV service delivery by Isange One Stop Centers,
    development of the monitoring report and specifically come up with a brief
    on how adolescent girls are accessing the services.
  • Develop
    a concept note on monitoring mechanisms on prevention and response to
    human trafficking; contribute to the monitoring and reporting activities.
  • In
    addition, the consultant will organize dialogues on implementation of the
    recommendations from the assessment on GBV prevention and response in
    secondary schools.
  • The
    consultant will be working closely with the Girl Specialist Team Senior
    manager on all the above – mentioned tasks and steps for the period.
    Regular updates will be developed and shared to inform the GER daily work
    and feed in to our background information on critical issues like safety
    as well as our content creation processes for Ni Nyampinga.
  • He/She
    will be also working with GMO on positioning of girls issues in the daily
    plans and activities.
  • A
    work plan for the above mentioned activities with clear timelines and
    stakeholders to be involved in each with a roadmap for the review process
    of the EDPRS2.
  • Provide
    a report from the audit process as well as policy briefs with recommendations
    on best ways to ensure the needs are embedded in the upcoming EDPRS3 and
    sectorial strategic plans.
  • Present
    key findings to GER, GMO and COP4G and help in developing a clear work
    plan on best ways to influence the process in line with the roadmap.
  • Report
    on support to districts on girl’s inclusion in districts performance
    contracts and identified needs of support.
  • Audit
    and assessment tools on Gender and GBV service delivery.
consultant will report to Gender Monitoring Office and designated supervisor
will officially transmit reports to GST senior manager through normal
administrative procedures.
  • Post
    graduate qualification in social science, economics, gender, development
    and other related fields with a strong background in gender accountability
    and programming for adolescent girls.
  • Strong
    research record and focus on inclusive economic development, poverty and
    adolescence planning and budgeting.Strong background in participatory
    monitoring learning methodologies.
  • Strong
    gender analysis, reporting and writing skills, able to extract learnings
    and issues from voluminous findings and package them into
    briefs/talking/action points.
  • Evidence
    of previous experience in designing M&E frameworks for adolescents’
    programs preferably.
  • Great
    understanding Rwanda’s Institutional, legal and policy frameworks related
    to gender.
  • Proven
    experience/familiarity with policy participatory audits particularly those
    pertaining to gender and specifically girls.
  • Capacity
    to convene and facilitate consensus building among multitude of
  • Knowledge
    of issues critical to girls and boys (particularly adolescents) such as
    but not limited to, gender based violence, teenage pregnancy, school
    dropouts among others.
  • Evidence
    of ability to deliver high quality and timely products, turn research into
    practical advice and lead to adoption of new approaches by partners.
  • Evidence
    of developing proxy indicators related
consultant will be asked to start in July/August 2016 and work full time (up to
a maximum of 22 days per month) until May 2017.
  • Follow
    link below to apply before July 11th 2016
  • Please
    attach below on the application
Curriculum Vitae
Technical proposal
Financial proposal
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