Nasir A El-Rufai’s Account of Stewardship

 We are devoted to the many who
need the most – Remarks by Malam Nasir El-Rufai, Governor of Kaduna State, at
the 7th Town Hall meeting, held in Kachia; Saturday, 30 April 2016

I am honored to welcome you all to our Zone 3 Town Hall meeting.
It feels nice to be back in Kachia. I recall with delight our visit to Kachia
last year to launch fertilizer sales for our farmers. We have come a long way
since then. I shall this morning present an account of what your government has
been doing. It is our political obligation to do this, and to listen to your
comments, and discuss your concerns about the things we are doing or need to
For the first time in the history of the state, the Kaduna State Government has
presented the first quarter budget performance report to the House of Assembly.
Finance Commissioner Suleiman Abdu Kwari presented the budget performance
report in furtherance of our quest to ensure accountability and transparency in
We designed the 2016 Budget based
on 60:40 expenditure profile for Capital and Recurrent. Key priorities for the
budget are: Infrastructure, Healthcare, Security, Jobs and Agriculture with
Education Sector being given the utmost priority. Capital spending in the first
quarter amounts to an unprecedented N7bn, with N4.9bn going to the Education
sector for school renovation, furniture, and uniforms, and almost a billion
naira as payments for the Zaria Water Project.
Despite the sharp fall in
revenues, we remain committed to protecting personnel costs and capital
projects. To this end, the State Executive Council has approved a Budget
Adjustment Mechanism to help ensure that dwindling revenues do not hinder the
capital budget.
At the beginning of this month,
we hosted the Kaduna Economic and Investment Summit (KADInvest).
 The two-day summit helped put Kaduna on the map
as an investment destination
 We attracted new investments to the state in
the Agricultural and Mining sectors
Olam has already done the
groundbreaking for the largest integrated poultry and feedmill project in
sub-Saharan Africa
The Dangote Group has decided to
build a tomato paste factory which will be supported by an outgrowers scheme for
tomato farmers.
The Flour Mills of Nigeria has
chosen to target the production of maize, wheat and soya bean
The Reliance Group wants to grow
rice in Kaduna 
KADInvest will be an annual event
We have done or are doing the following
Free basic education for the
first nine years of schooling guaranteed.
Abolition of the collection of
fees and levies in public schools is saving Kaduna State parents N3 billion
every year. Government has also prohibited the sale of forms to students seeking
admission to public schools; all forms are to be given free
School rehabilitation to repair
classrooms, provide water and toilet facilities to 4,254 public primary schools
have began
 Contracts to provide furniture to address the
situation where 50% of pupils have no chairs or desks
Recruitment of teachers in core
subject areas
Needs assessment conducted to
identify areas where the capacity of current teachers can be improved
 Implementation of policy that allows teachers
to rise to Grade Level 17 without having to stop teaching
School feeding in primary schools
Improved standard of feeding in
boarding secondary schools
Provision of uniforms in
secondary schools
Contract to modernize and equip
255 Primary Health Centres, one in each ward, awarded to GE
GE to also equip 23 secondary
health centres, one in each local government
The state is getting USD 2million
from the Save One Million Lives programme
Kaduna State ranked first in the
Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Week for screening and testing 80,000 pregnant
women for HIV in one week
Five general hospitals selected
for improvements to their maternity wards by MTN 
General hospitals to be equipped
with labs that can screen even unborn children to determine their genotypes 
Accreditation for Barau Dikko
Township roads being constructed;
Street lights, solar-type, are
being installed on major roads; a few delayed because the road is earmarked for
Engineering designs and feasibility
studies are ongoing for a Kaduna Ring Road project to link Eastern and Western
sectors of Kaduna
Preferred bidders selected for
two five-star hotels;
Cremona has been selected from
six companies that submitted bids to construct three private grain silos;
18 companies submitted bids to
build a rail-based mass transit system for Kaduna metropolis; 12 of the
companies including Alstom of France, Gauff of Germany and several Chinese
companies have been approved for the next stage to submit designs, business
plans and evidence of financial capacity
 Projects to construct 20,000 affordable homes
have kicked–off;
Groundbreaking done for UPDC
Shopping Mall;
Water resources get an additional
N11.4 billion for projects such as Zaria Water and dams across the state.
School feeding: 17,000 catering
vendors, each of whom has to employ people 
School uniforms: at least 4,000
tailors across the state
KADSTEP is training 5000
entrepreneurs in business skills and assist them to develop business plans that
can be funded by the Bank of Industry 
The Kaduna Artisan Training
Academy (KADAT) has been approved to train artisans with skills in construction
industry trades
Entrepreneurial hub MoU signed
with Stanbic IBTC to assist the incubation of new businesses
Waste collection currently
engages about 6500 youths
The Kaduna Cabs scheme
Governance Reform
Reducing the cost of Governance
Restructuring ministries from 19
to 13
Treasury Single Account, and
continuing efforts to stop leakages of public funds. No cash collection is
permitted by any government agency. All payments are made to banks or by
electronic means such as POS and internet banking
Zero-based budgeting
Verification of Civil Servants
and Pensioners
 Passing legislation to reform governance: 
Contributory Pensions: the
current government inherited N14.3 billion arrears of pensions and gratuities.
There is a need to reform the law to remove pain for pensioners and provide for
them a more reliable way of funding retirement. 
Codification and Consolidation of
Taxes: all taxes and levies payable in Kaduna State are listed in one law which
also appoints only one agency to collect all the taxes and revenues.
Fiscal Responsibility
Public Procurement
KADGIS: Kaduna State Geographic
Information Service – first set of digitized Certificates of Occupancy have
been issued
 KADFAMA: Kaduna State Facilities Management
Agency to take over the maintenance of al government assets in a cost-effective
Eliminated the fertilizer racket
Price guaranty system for farmers
to be implemented once storage capacity is expanded through new silos
KADGIS to provide title to land
for farmers so that they can unlock the value in their lands
State of Emergency declared in
forests; ongoing efforts to reclaim forests, stock routes etc
Tree planting
This week, your government
donated 51 motorcycles to the police and other security agencies. This is in
continuation of other support that includes 107 vehicles and bullet proof
Launched and executed operations
against cattle rustling and criminal gangs in the forest ranges around
Birnin-Gwari, in collaboration with neighbouring states and with the support of
the military, the police and the SSS
Set up the Agwai committee into
the insecurity in Southern Kaduna, and the processes and recommendations of
that committee have reduced the intensity and frequency of the killings.
In this journey, we are committed
to implementing our governance agenda. We believe that governance has both the
power and the duty to improve lives. One of the most powerful ways to attain
this is by removing the barriers to education and easing access to healthcare.
We have spent our first 11 months
laying the foundations for a different Kaduna State, attracting investments,
plugging leakages, and cutting costs. We showing in practice that change is
about substance, not merely replacing the previous men of power. As we go forward
the fullness of our governance agenda will be implemented for the benefit of
our people. Equality of opportunity is a cardinal value for us. That means that
we are not wired to create exclusive benefits for the politically powerful. No
one can doubt that we have the vision and the will to drive our state forward,
to make it a place that offers much to the many who need the most. That is the
sustainable way to make Kaduna great again.

Thank you for listening.

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