London Business School Offers Sloan Masters Scholarship, UK

financing and scholarships

The fee includes tuition, core course textbooks and online reading
materials, elective course reading materials and accommodation on the
international trip.

All candidates are asked to pay a deposit to reserve their place, and
self-sponsored students pay the balance in three instalments. Companies
sponsoring an employee pay the balance in one payment before the commencement
of the first term.

your course 

Fellows are a mix of sponsored and self-sponsored students.  There is a
range of funding options available to you.

Discover more about
building a case for sponsorship with the Sloan business case guide.


Sloan Fellows often
take personal bank loans to fund their education or use their own resources.

The Prodigy Finance Loan Programme is available to help
you finance your MSc in Leadership and Strategy.

US candidates may be eligible for a loan via the Federal Stafford Loan

See the Federal Student Aid


The fees for the
Sloan programme do not include living expenses, which vary depending on your
circumstances. Typically, you should budget approximately £30,000-£45,000 for a
family, or £25,000-£30,000 for a single person in shared accommodation.
See our Sloan fees and financingfrequently asked questions.

about scholarships

We are pleased to
announce the following awards to support Sloan candidates who in the opinion of
the Admissions Committee will make an exceptional contribution to the class and
most benefit from this support.

Anniversary Scholarship

We are excited about
what we have built at London Business School. The world needs more leaders with
global perspective who can generate innovative solutions to help solve our
increasingly complex problems.

We can point to the impact we’ve had on business, policy and people’s lives.
And even better, we feel like we are only at the start. We’re beginning to see
the powerful connections of our global community of alumni and academics coming
together to improve the future of our world. 

Funded by: London Business School
Open to:
all self-funding candidates for the Sloan MSc
a scholarship awarding 100% of tuition fees for the Sloan programme.
17.00 (UK time) on Wednesday 7 September 2016.

The 50th Anniversary’s requirements include:

  • A one page CV
  • Essay of not more than 500
    words (please supply the word count) on an innovative solution to a
    worldwide issue of their choice
  • Video clip of up to 5 minutes
    “Who am I?” demonstrating your creativity. The video should be uploaded on
    You Tube at and the link sent to Lorine Barrier Make sure the view rights are set to public.

Sloan Philip Langsdale Scholarship

Funded by: Sloan MSc 2004 Alumni
Award: One
award of £20,000 in the form of tuition remission

Overview: This scholarship is funded
through the generosity of the class of Sloan 2004 in memory of Philip Langsdale
and established to attract excellent candidates to the programme. All qualified
applications will be considered and the successful candidate will be identified
on merit.

All candidates who receive an offer for the Sloan MSc in Leadership and
Strategy will be considered and the final decision will be made in September

Sloan Awards

Funded by: London Business School
Open to:
all self-funding candidates for the Sloan MSc
the awards are between £5,000 and £10,000 in the form of tuition remission
Eligibility: all successful self-funded Sloan
MSc applicants who have applied for and accepted their offer before August
2016. The final decisions will be made in August 2016.

Sloanaward application form.

MSc Women’s Scholarship


London Business School
Open to:
all self-funding female candidates for the Sloan MSc
a scholarship awarding up to 50% of tuition fees for the Sloan programme.
Deadline:the deadline for the Sloan MSc Women’s Scholarship is 17.00 (UK time) on
Wednesday 20 July 2016.

Sloan Alumni

Funded by: London Business School
Open to:
all self-funding candidates for the Sloan MSc
£20,000 in the form of tuition remission
all successful self-funded Sloan MSc applicants who receive an offer before
August 2016 will be considered for this scholarship. The final decision will be
made in August 2016.

The Monica
and Navin Valrani Scholarship

Open to: Indian women. Designed to
support exceptionally gifted and talented Indian women who have achieved
success through their own determination, ambition and motivation and have
striven to succeed in their education and career.
Candidates who submitted a Sloan application prior 6
May 2016 together with other masters programmes will be automatically
considered for this award.

The Gallifrey Scholarship for Social

Funded by: An anonymous alumni donor.
Open to:
All successful MBA, EMBA and Sloan Masters applicants who have a background in
social enterprise* with a preference for women and/or candidates residing in

Award: £20,000.


Candidates who submitted a Sloan application prior 6 May 2016 will be
automatically considered for this award.

*defined as an
organisation that applies commercial strategies to maximize improvements in
human and environmental well-being, rather than maximising profits for external
shareholders. Social enterprises can be structured as a for-profit or
non-profit, and may take the form of a co-operative, mutual organisation, a
social business, or a charity organisation.

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