Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA) ,differents positions Jobs in Rwanda

Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA) wishes
to recruit qualified, hardworking, well motivated and experienced senior
permanent employees in the following positions:
1. Urban Design Specialist
  • Bachelor’s
    Degree in Urban Design, Architecture, with 5 years of working experience
    or Master’s degree in the same field with at least 3 years of working
Key Technical Skills & Knowledge

  • Place
    making appraisal and development skit
    Mast Planning Skills,
  • Innovative
    Design Guidance Skills;
  • Good
    knowledge of civil engineering;
  • Computer
    Skills (Electronic and Physical Modeling);
  • Organizational
  • Communication
  • High
    analytical Skills;
  • Time
    management Skills;
  • Team
    working Skills;
  • Fluent
    in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage
  • Developing
    ‘visions for places – using creativity and imagination to invent or
    reinvent the environments we live and work in;
  • Designing
    built spaces – from whole towns and neighborhoods to individual streets or
    squares. Advising on the design of developments and regeneration projects;
  • Researching
    and analyzing places and people – understanding the physical, political,
    economic, spatial and psychological context of the places;
  • Accessibility
    – design zones that are providing for ease, safety and choice when moving
    to and through them;
  • Graphic
    representation – from sketching and technical drawing to using the latest
    technologies and packages in visualization and computer aided design;
  • Appearing
    as an expert witness, preparing statements of evidence, and giving
    evidence on urban design matters on appeals into planning applications and
    development plan inquiries;
  • Drawing
    up a set of planning and design principles for a specific area or site and
    writing an urban design framework that will be integrated into all master
    plans and local urban development plans;
  • Designing
    a development layout for an area or site by designing transportation
    network, pedestrian walkways, and cyclist ways to be integrated into
    indicative layouts for specific sites of the master plan;
  • Collaborating
    with Local service professionals on the management, design and maintenance
    of the public realm;
  • Design
    the streetscape, landscape and advise how the urban aesthetic of all
    cities and town will be achieved.
2. Housing Inspection Specialist
  • Bachelor’s
    Degree in Civil Engineering, Architecture with 5 years of working
    experience or Master’s degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Law or
    Architecture with 3 year of working experience.
Key Technical Skills & Knowledge
  • Good
    knowledge of Housing regulations and standards;
  • Computer
  • Organizational
    Skills; Communication Skills; High analytical Skills; Time management
    Skills; Team working Skills;
  • Fluent
    in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.
  • Close
    follow up of building inspection activities undertaken by all the
    Districts One Stop Centers;
  • Close
    follow up and coordinate with Districts all the building permitting
    activities to ensure the uniformity and formality of permitting
  • Supervise
    and contribute to edition of regulations booklets for campaign awareness;
    and set further strategies for their enforcement;
  • Ensure
    the progressive improvement of public building compliance with policies,
    laws, regulation and standards in force;
  • Develop
    strategic plans to increase the level of compliance with construction
    legal framework in rapidly growing cities as well as in remote areas;
  • Ensure
    effective implementation of developed roadmaps related to urgent measures
    adopted to prevent or to mitigate disasters and accidents (e.g. fire
    outbreaks, land sliding, floods, heavy winds, etc…) in the housing
3. Neighborhood Design Senior Engineer
  • Bachelor’s
    Degree in Architecture or Civil Engineering with 5 years of working
    experience or Masters Degree in the same fields with at least 3 years of
    work experience.
Key Technical Skills & Knowledge
  • Good
    knowledge in environment;
  • Computer
    drafting Skills (CAD);
  • Organizational
    Skills; Communication Skills; High analytical Skills; Time management
    Skills; Team working Skills;
  • Fluent
    in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.
  • Assist
    the Division Manager and Senior Architect in creating local development
    plans for economically sustainable communities (with more job creation);
  • Assist
    the Division Manager to initiate various Affordable Housing projects;
  • Assist
    the Division Manager to prepare the strategies, programs, projects and
    business action plans for housing development projects;
  • Developing
    better local developments designs including social economical amenities
    where affordable Housing projects will be implemented;
  • Propose
    better densification for better land use and social cohesion of residents;
  • Propose
    well integrated neighborhood with affordable infrastructure and Social
    economical amenities;
  • Propose
    how the neighborhood with informal settlements can be Upgraded by using
    Affordable Housing scheme;
  • Assist
    the Division Manager in carrying out the feasibility studies for new
    Affordable Housing Projects and provide appropriate conclusions to be
    forwarded to the other hierarchy for final decisions;
  • Preparing
    strategies, programs, projects and business action plans for housing
    development projects;
  • Formulating
    bankable or business project plans and municipal financing schemes in
    Affordable Housing
  • Working
    closely with Housing Finance expert in attracting and/or negotiating
    financial mechanism with a variety of development partners in line with
    Affordable Housing program;
  • Working
    closely with Housing Finance expert in Formulating mechanisms to attract
    private stakeholders to partner in undertaking Affordable Housing
    development projects;
  • Working
    closely with Housing Finance expert in Overseeing the elaboration,
    establishment and operation of the Rwanda Housing Fund;
  • Overseeing
    the elaboration, establishment and operation of the Informal settlement
    upgrading and restructuring projects;
  • Identification
    of demand in affordable and Social Housing;
  • Able
    to skillfully formulate financial corporations with private stakeholders,
    financial institutions, NGOs, international donors agencies and other
    interest groups;
  • Able
    to mobilize attractive local and foreign currency for short-, medium- and
    long-term mortgage financing through partnerships with the development
    financing arms;
  • Formulating
    mechanisms to attract private stakeholders to partner in undertaking
    Affordable Housing development projects;
  • Perform
    other duties as assigned by the direct supervisor.
4. Senior Architect (2)
  • Bachelor’s
    Degree in Architecture with 5 years of working experience or Masters
    Degree in the same fields with at least 3 years of work experience.
Key Technical Skills & Knowledge
  • Good
    knowledge in environment;
  • Computer
    drafting Skills (CAD);
  • Organizational
    Skills; Communication Skills; High analytical Skills; Time management
    Skills; Team working Skills;
  • Fluent
    in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.
  • Developing
    architectural concepts of projects related to upgrading and refurbishment
    of government buildings.
  • Organizing
    and supervising upgrading and refurbishment works of government buildings.
  • Elaboration
    of annual reports of refurbishment of government buildings.
  • Provide
    technical support to government-owned projects;
  • Developing
    cost efficient concepts/designs for Affordable Housing program;
  • Developing
    better local developments designs including social economical amenities
    where affordable Housing projects will be implemented;
  • Perform
    other duties as assigned by the direct supervisor.
5. Research & Development
  • An
    advanced degree (or at least bachelor’s degree or equivalent) in mainly
    Civil Engineering or any closely related fields;
  • At
    least 3 years of practical working experience in construction and
    supervision of housing and other civil/public works; urban infrastructure
    design and development; or any other closely related field.
  • Good
    experience in designing, monitoring, inspection and evaluation of civil
    construction works, housing and urban planning and infrastructure
    development programs and projects; Good experience in inspection buildings
    and construction sites
  • Have
    ability to work independently in a participatory and multidisciplinary
  • Proven
    computer skills in the application of professional software the
    engineering design, housing, urban and development, construction sectors;
  • Possess
    excellent communication and analytical skills;
  • Fluent
    in English or French; knowledge of both in an added advantage.
  • Collects,
    compiles and analyzes data to evaluate programs and prepare evaluation
    reports; develops conclusions for the purpose of providing adequate
    measures for a well organized housing sector;
  • Coordinates
    research, planning and evaluation projects with other departments and
    divisions for the purpose of sharing information, eliminating redundancy,
    and maintaining a strict focus;
  • Develops,
    in consultation with other key staff, comprehensive programs for research,
    evaluation, and appropriate reporting strategies;
  • Facilitates
    meetings, workshops, and seminars for the purpose of identifying issues,
    developing recommendations, supporting other staff, and serving the
    institution in line with its main mission;
  • Monitors
    a wide variety of programs, including but not limited to involving high
    learning institutions, their students, teachers and interns in such a way
    to facilitate the Government to implement the housing policy;
  • Participates
    in a variety of cross-functional meetings (e.g. workshops, inter and intra
    district trainings, community and public agencies, seminars, conferences,
    etc.) for the purpose of conveying and gathering information regarding a
    wide variety of subjects required to carry out requisite responsibilities
    and supporting the yearly action plans and other institution initiatives;
  • Prepares
    needs assessment analysis and designs the evaluation components for the
    institution to ensure that the strategic stakeholders implement all the
    housing legal tools effectively;
  • Presents
    a wide variety of topics related to administrative responsibilities (e.g.
    statistical and financial information, overviews of programs/services,
    policies and procedures, etc.) for the purpose of providing general
    information, training others, implementing actions, etc;
  • Researches
    topics required to manage assignments (e.g. relevant policies, economic
    impacts, building materials, raw material resources, financial resources,
    etc.) for the purpose of developing new programs/services, ensuring
    compliance with regulatory requirements, securing general information
    and/or responding to housing market needs;
  • Responds
    to issues related to conflicts in policies and regulations, community
    concerns, requests that may result in some negative impact and or
    liability if not appropriately addressed for the purpose of identifying
    the relevant issues and recommending or implementing a plan of action that
    will efficiently resolve the issues.
6. Housing Financial Specialist
  • A0
    in Housing Finance, Finance, Management, Development Studies with 3 years
    of working experience or Master in Housing Finance, Finance, Management,
    Development Studies;
Key Technical Skills & Knowledge
  • Good
    knowledge in environment;
  • Computer
  • Organizational
  • Communication
  • High
    analytical Skills;
  • Time
    management Skills;
  • Team
    working Skills;
  • Fluent
    in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage
  • To
    assisting the Division Manager and RHA in general to ensure that the
    investors in affordable housing projects or real estate projects are given
    clear indications and guidance on how their projects can be implemented
    and how the invested money can be recovered through a PPP framework;
  • Assist
    the Division Manager in carrying out the feasibility studies for new
    Affordable Housing Projects and provide appropriate conclusions to be
    forwarded to the other hierarchy for final decisions;
  • Overseeing
    the elaboration, establishment and operation of the Rwanda Housing Fund;
  • To
    propose strategies as well as programs needed so that the low and middle
    income people get access to mortgage or any other scheme allowing them to
    Own, Rent, Rent —to- own houses at affordable price with government
  • To
    assess the nature and scope of the affordable housing problem in Rwanda,
    formulation of the Government role and subsidies in Affordable Housing
    development, assessment of the Housing finance sector in Rwanda and the
    mortgage system and capital market, formulation of a Structure, Patterns,
    trends, characteristic and Instruments of Affordable Housing Finance and
    elaboration of Affordable Housing types and prices;
  • To
    elaborate the affordable housing finance strategy, policies and other
    related legal frameworks;
  • To
    advises the Division Manager and RHA in general in the fields of the
    Housing Finance with respect to Habitat;
  • To
    promote the program for the provision of housing to individuals or assist
    them in building their own homes;
  • To
    collaborate with banking and other financial institutions to help Rwandans
    to build their own affordable homes;
  • To
    propose the institutional change needed in order for the middle and low
    income segment can access to mortgage or any other kind of finance;
  • To
    set up mechanisms on how the real estate projects in general can be
    handled in terms of finance by exploring the guarantees available to
    investors that the Government of Rwanda can use in a counterpart form;
  • To
    elaborate the strategies on how the invested money can be used to generate
    more economical profits;
  • To
    assist the Division Manager and RHA in general to set up the Housing Development
  • To
    initiate and develop more Housing Cooperatives to be involved in
    Affordable Housing in Rwanda;
  • To
    organize trainings for capacity building to the senior staff in Rwanda
    Housing Authority in the domain of housing finance and stakeholders;
  • To
    Elaboration of the guidelines for a successful Public-Private Partnership
    for Affordable Housing development projects, suitability and success
    factors, Legal and regulatory structures, Financial and economic
    Implications of PPPs, Integrating grant financing and PPP objectives,
    Conception, planning and implementation of Affordable Housing through
  • To
    assess the demand and supply of affordable Housing;
  • Perform
    other duties as assigned by the direct supervisor.
7. Advisor
  • Bachelor’s
    degree in Public Administration, Management with 3 years of working
    experience, or Master in Public Administration, Management with 1 year of
    working experience.
Key Technical Skills & Knowledge
  • Review
    Good knowledge of National Housing, Urbanization construction policies;
  • Leadership
  • High
    analytical skills;
  • Report
    writing and presentation skills; Organisation, Planning skills;
  • Proven
    Computer skills;
  • Coordination
    and organisational skills;
  • Interpersonal
  • Collaboration
    and team working skills;
  • Effective
    communication skills;
  • Time
    management skills;
  • Fluent
    in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French; knowledge of all is an advantage.
  • Ensure
    a systematic and sound analysis of all technical information (documents,
    files, reports, etc.) received/or produced by the institution’s units;
  • Evaluate
    their coherence in line with national policies, strategies and programs
    essentially with vision of RHA;
  • Conduct
    necessary investigations and/or research with resource persons or
    institutions to complete information or to improve its quality in order to
    enlighten the subjects and help to the decision of the Director General;
  • Propose
    a useful review of policies, programs and projects of the institution;    
  • Enrich
    the documentation of the Director General in order to have updated data
    on  the various fields of activities in which the institution is
  • Report
    to the Director General of any new evolution or event that can impact on
    the field of activities and/or the decisions of the institution;
  • Play
    the role of the technical memory of the institution. He/she participates
    in the handover between all out going and in coming senior RHA officials
    in order to inform them of the historic and of the present situation of
    the files, policies, programs and projects under way.
Competent and interested candidates are
requested to submit a complete application pack including application form
(available at, curriculum vitae, a copy of degree certificate
and a photocopy of identity card. Those documents in a sealed envelope with the
names of candidates, the position applied for and the contact should be
submitted at RHA headquarters located at RELAX PLAZA, next to UMUBANO Hotel
Kacyiru Sector, Gasabo District, KG 546 St, P. O. Box 2469 Kigali not later
than 05/03/2015 at 5:00pm.
Done at Kigali on 17/02/ 2015.
Director General

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